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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
12:02, 20 June 2024 Motivic homotopy pdf.pdf (file) 390 KB PDF 1
12:01, 20 June 2024 Motivic homotopy.png (file) 603 KB PNG-file 1
09:26, 28 February 2024 NC Konferenz.JPG (file)
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
4.61 MB   1
10:10, 11 October 2023 Nearby cycles3.png (file) 306 KB   1
11:51, 29 September 2023 HIOBscheduleDSC.pdf (file) 356 KB   1
10:20, 29 September 2023 OS-Euler-systems.pdf (file) 89 KB   1
09:55, 28 July 2023 Higher structures3.pdf (file) 732 KB   1
14:11, 27 July 2023 Transatlantic.pdf (file) 487 KB   1
12:27, 21 July 2023 Non-archimediean geometry version2.pdf (file) 468 KB   1
08:38, 21 July 2023 Sfb conference2023.pdf (file) 93 KB   1
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