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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Invariants play a dominant role in all of mathematics: Invariants should be fine enough to extract the right information, but coarse enough to be computable in specific cases. Higher invariants are a structural and hierarchical refinement of certain classical invariants. The long term goal of this Collaborative Research Centre is to formulate the principles of construction and computation of higher invariants in a systematic way.
- Higher Chern classes
- Volumes, L-functions, and polylogarithms
- Metric structures on cohomology, vector bundles, and cycles
- Higher categories and enriched structures
Projects and principal investigators
- Cohomology of Higher-Dimensional Schemes {Ended} (U.Jannsen, M. Kerz)
- Differential Arithmetic Geometry {Ended} (U. Bunke, G. Kings, G. Raptis, G. Tamme)
- Cycle Classes in p-Adic Cohomology (V. Ertl, M. Kerz)
- Topological Aspects of Curvature Integrals (B. Ammann, C. Löh)
- Tropical Approaches to Arakelov Theory (W. Gubler, K. Künnemann)
- Coarse Homotopy Theory (U. Bunke, D.-C. Cisinski)
- Higher Nearby Cycles Functors and Grothendieck Duality (D.-C. Cisinski, M. Hoyois)
- Derivators in Higher Category Theory {Ended} (D.-C. Cisinski, G. Raptis)
- Higher Categories of Correspondences {New} (D.-C. Cisinski, M. Hoyois, C. Scheimbauer)
- Motivic Homotopy Theory and Intersection Theory {New} (D.-C. Cisinski, M. Hoyois, M. Kerz)
- Spectral Algebraic Geometry (N. Naumann)
- K-Theory, Polylogarithms and Regulators (G. Kings, J. Sprang, V. Ertl)
- Simplicial Volume and Bounded Cohomology (S. Friedl, C. Löh)
- The l1-Seminorm on Homology and L2-Torsion {Ended} (S. Friedl)
- Non-Archimedean Pluri-Potential Theory (W. Gubler, K. Künnemann)
- Higher Structures in Functorial Field Theory {New} (M. Ludewig, C. Scheimbauer)
- Index Theory on Submanifold Complements {New} (B. Ammann, U. Bunke, M. Ludewig)
Publications/Preprints (in reverse chronological order)
- M. Ramzi, V. Sosnilo, C. Winges. Every motive is the motive of a stable ∞-category, arXiv:2503.11338; 03/2025
- E. Elmanto, D. Kubrak, V. Sosnilo. On filtered algebraic K-theory of stacks I: characteristic zero, arXiv:2503.09928; 03/2025
- K. Li, L. Sanchez Saldana. A note on finiteness properties of vertex stabilisers, arXiv:2502.14751; 02/2025.
- V. Saunier, C. Winges. On exact categories and their stable envelopes. arXiv:2502.03408; 02/2025
- C. Lin , Galois orbits of torsion points over polytopes near atoral sets. arXiv:2412.11156; 12/2024
- S. Friedl, S. Bastl, T. Hirsch, C. Löh, L. Munser, P. Perras, L. Schamback, M. Uschold et al. Algorithms in 4-manifold topology, arXiv:2411.08775 math.GT; 11/2022
- N. Naumann, L. Pol, Maxime Ramzi, Separable commutative algebras in equivariant homotopy theory. arXiv:2411.06845;11/2024
- N. Naumann, L. Pol, Maxime Ramzi, A symmetric monoidal fracture square. arXiv:2411.05467;11/2024
- M. Hoyois. Remarks on the motivic sphere without A^1-invariance, arxiv:2410.16757; 10/2024
- N. Deshmukh, S. Yadav. A^1- connected stacky curves and the Brauer group of moduli of elliptic curves, arxiv:2410.01525; 10/2024
- H. Esnault, M. Kerz. A non-abelian version of Deligne's Fixed Part Theorem, arXiv:2408.13910; 08/2024.
- S. Friedl, F. Misev, A. Zupan, Bounding the ribbon numbers of knots and links , arXiv:2408.11618 math.GT; 08/2024
- K. Li, C. Löh, M. Moraschini, R. Sauer, M. Uschold. The algebraic cheap rebuilding property, arXiv:2409.05774; 09/2024.
- F. Hofmann A vanishing criterion for cup products and Massey products in bounded cohomology. arXiv:2407.17034;07/2024
- Magnus Carlson, Peter Haine, S. Wolf, Reconstruction of schemes from their étale topoi, 2407.19920; 07/2024.
- B. Cnossen, R. Haugseng, T. Lenz, S. Linskens. Normed equivariant ring spectra and higher Tambara functors, arXiv:2407.08399; 07/2024
- Adrian Clough, B. Cnossen, S. Linskens. Global spaces and the homotopy theory of stacks, arXiv:2407.06877; 07/2024
- D. Gepner, S. Linskens, L. Pol Global 2-rings and genuine refinements. arXiv:2407.05124;07/2024
- Z. Li, Y.Qin. On p-torsions of geometric Brauer groups, arXiv:2406.19518; 06/2024
- M. Kerz, G. Tamme. A remark on crystalline cohomology. arXiv:2406.19772;06/2024
- F. Hebestreit, M. Land, M. Weiss, C. Winges. Homology manifolds and euclidean bundles arXiv:2406.14677; 06/2024
- H. Kufner. Deligne's conjecture on the critical values of Hecke L-functions arXiv:2406.06148; 06/2024
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Conformal product structures on compact Kähler manifolds arxiv.org/abs/2405.08430; 05/2024
- Y.Qin. On the Brauer groups of fibrations. Math. Z. 307, 18 (2024), published version; 04/2024
- S. Friedl, T. Kalelkar, J. Quintanilha, Writhe invariants of 3-regular spatial graphs , arXiv:2404.09649 math.GT; 04/2024
- E. Karlsson, C. I. Scheimbauer, T. Walde. Assembly of constructible factorization algebras, arXiv:2403.19472; 03/2024
- T. Annala, M. Hoyois, R. Iwasa. Atiyah duality for motivic spectra, arXiv:2403.01561 math.AG; 03/2024
- B. Cnossen, T. Lenz, S. Linskens. Parametrized higher semiadditivity and the universality of spans, arXiv:2403.07676; 03/2024
- B. Cnossen, R. Haugseng, T. Lenz, S. Linskens. Homotopical commutative rings and bispans, arXiv:2403.06911; 03/2024
- M. Ramzi, V. Sosnilo, C. Winges. Every spectrum is the K-theory of a stable ∞-category, arXiv:2401.06510; 01/2024
- N. Naumann, L. Pol, Separable commutative algebras and Galois theory in stable homotopy theories. arXiv:2305.01259; Advances in Mathematics 1/2024
- H. Esnault, M. Kerz. Semi-stable Lefschetz Pencils, arXiv:2311.15886; 11/2023
- L. Martini, S. Wolf, Proper morphisms of infinity-topoi, arxiv:2311.08051; 11/2023.
- B. Cnossen, T. Lenz, S. Linskens. The Adams isomorphism revisited, arXiv:2311.04884; 11/2023
- B. Ammann, C.Löh, A quadratic lower bound for the number of minimal geodesics, arXiv:2311.01626; 11/2023.
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Einstein metrics on conformal products arxiv:311.03744; 11/2023.
- M. Pippi. On some (co)homological invariants of coherent matrix factorizations, J. Noncommut. Geom. (2023), arXiv version: [1]; 08/2023.
- J. Glöckle, Initial data sets with dominant energy condition admitting no smooth DEC spacetime extension, arXiv:2308.00643; 08/2023
- C. Löh, G. Raptis. A roadmap to the (vanishing of the) Euler characteristic, arXiv:2306.16933 math.GT; the poster version can be found here; 06/2023
- C. Löh. Exponential growth rates in hyperbolic groups (after Koji Fujiwara and Zlil Sela), Exposée 1206 for the Séminaire Bourbaki (April 2023), arXiv:2304.04424 math.GR; 04/2023
- J. Glöckle, Initial data rigidity via Dirac-Witten operators, arXiv:2304.02331 math.DG; 04/2023.
- R. Gualdi, M. Sombra. Limit heights and special values of the Riemann zeta function, arXiv:2304.01966 math.NT; 04/2023.
- P. Haine, Tim Holzschuh, S. Wolf, Nonabelian base change theorems & étale homotopy theory, arXiv:2304.00938 math.AG; 04/2023.
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Adapted metrics on locally conformally product manifolds arxiv:2305.00185; 04/2023
- S. Friedl, K. Ince, When does the table theorem imply a solution to the square peg problem?, arXiv:2303.17711 math.GT; 03/2023
- Tobias Barthel, Natalia Castellana, Drew Heard, Niko Naumann, L. Pol, Beren Sanders, Descent in tensor triangular geometry. arXiv:2305.02308; Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2022, 3/2023
- L. Martini, S. Wolf, Internal higher topos theory, arXiv:2303.06437 math.CT; 03/2023.
- T. Annala, M. Hoyois, R. Iwasa. Algebraic cobordism and a Conner-Floyd isomorphism for algebraic K-theory, arXiv:2303.02051 math.AG; 03/2023. To appear in J. Amer. Math. Soc.
- M. Grant, K. Li, E. Meir, I. Patchkoria. Comparison of equivariant cohomological dimensions, arXiv:2302.08574 math.AT; 02/2023.
- D. Beraldo, M. Pippi. Non-commutative nature of ℓ-adic vanishing cycles, arXiv:2302.10120 math.AG; 02/2023.
- R. Gualdi. ¿Cuántas raíces de la unidad anulan un polinomio en dos variables?, La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 26 (2023), 149 — 172; 02/2023 (divulgative article)
- C. Löh. A comment on the structure of graded modules over graded principal ideal domains in the context of persistent homology, arXiv:2301.11756 math.AC; 01/2023
- M. Christ, T. Dyckerhoff, T. Walde. Lax additivity, arXiv:2402.12251; 01/2023.
- M. Christ, T. Dyckerhoff, T. Walde. Complexes of stable ∞-categories, arXiv:2301.02606; 01/2023.
- T. Barthel, N. Castellana, D. Heard, N. Naumann, L. Pol Quillen stratification in equivariant homotopy theory.ArXiv:2301.02212, to appear in Inventiones Mathematicae;01/2023
- A. Hogadi, S. Yadav. A^1-connectivity of moduli of vector bundles on a curve. arXiv:2110.05799v2; 12/22 (updated and final version)
- M. Uschold.Torsion homology growth and cheap rebuilding of inner-amenablegroups, arXiv: 2212.07916math.GR; 12/2022.
- D. Beraldo, M. Pippi. Non-commutative intersection theory and unipotent Deligne-Milnor formula, arXiv:2211.11717 math.AG; 11/2022.
- J. Glöckle, An Enlargeability Obstruction for Spacetimes with both Big Bang and Big Crunch, arXiv:2111.02656 math.DG; 11/2022.
- C. Löh, G. Sartori. Integral foliated simplicial volume and ergodic decomposition, arXiv:2211.00337 math.GT; 11/2022
- V. Sosnilo. A^1-invariance of localizing invariants, arXiv:2211.05602; 10/2022; to appear in Journal of K-theory
- M. Hoyois, Joachim Jelisiejew, D. Nardin, M. Yakerson. Hermitian K-theory via oriented Gorenstein algebras. arXiv:2103.15474; 09/2022
- D.-C. Cisinski, M. Pippi. Étale tame vanishing cycles over [A^1_S/G_{m,S}], arXiv:2209.13381; 09/2022.
- C. Löh, J. Witzig. Universal finite functorial semi-norms, arXiv:2209.12971 math.CT; 09/2022
- L. Martini, S. Wolf, Presentable categories internal to an infinity-topos, arxiv:2209.05103 math.CT; 09/2022
- P. Haine, Tim Holzschuh, S. Wolf, The fundamental fiber sequence in étale homotopy theory, International Mathematics Research Notices
- C. Löh. Exploring Formalisation. A Primer in Human-Readable Mathematics in Lean 3 with Examples from Simplicial Topology, Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences, volume 11, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-14649-7, project homepage (including Lean src), 09/2022.
- R. Gupta, A. Krishna, J. Rathore, Tame class field theory over local fields, arXiv:2209.02953; 09/2022
- B. Brück, F. Fournier Facio, C. Löh. Median quasimorphisms on CAT(0) cube complexes and their cup products, arXiv:2209.05811 math.GR; 09/2022
- B. Ammann, On Triviality of Dirac-harmonic maps, arXiv:2209.03074; 09/2022.
- S. Friedl, T. Kitayama, M. Suzuki, Blanchfield pairings and Gordian distance , arXiv:2208.13327 math.GT; 08/2022
- S. Linskens, D. Nardin, L. Pol. Global homotopy theory via partially lax limits. arXiv:2206.01556; to appear in Geometry and Topology, 06/2022
- C. Löh. The spectrum of simplicial volume with fixed fundamental group, arXiv:2205.14877 math.GT; 05/2022
- M. Pippi. On the structure of dg categories of relative singularities, updated version arXiv:1911.01332v2; 05/2022
- H.K. Nguyen, Taichi Uemura. ∞-type theories, arXiv:2205.00789; 05/2022
- S. Friedl, C. Kausik, J. P. Quintanilha. An algorithm to calculate generalized Seifert matrices, arXiv:2204.10004 math.GT; 04/2022
- S. Friedl, F. Misev, R. Zentner. Rational homology ribbon cobordism is a partial order, arXiv:2204.10730 math.GT; 04/2022
- Y. Fang, W. Gubler, K. Künnemann. On the non-archimedean Monge-Ampère equation in mixed characteristic. arXiv:2203.12282; 03/2022
- J. Witzig. Abstract Excision and ℓ¹-Homology, arXiv:2203.06120 math.AT; 03/2022
- K. Li, C. Löh, M. Moraschini. Bounded acyclicity and relative simplicial volume, arXiv:2202.05606 math.AT; 02/2022
- C. Löh, M. Uschold. L^2-Betti numbers and computability of reals, arXiv:2202.03159 math.GR; 02/2022
- C. Löh, M. Moraschini, R. Sauer. Amenable covers and integral foliated simplicial volume, arXiv:2112.12223 math.GT; 12/2021
- L. Martini, S. Wolf, Limits and colimits in internal higher category theory, arxiv:2111.14495 math.CT; 11/2021
- F. Fournier Facio, C. Löh, M. Moraschini. Bounded cohomology and binate groups, arXiv:2111.04305 math.GR; 11/2021
- R. Gupta, A. Krishna, J. Rathore, A decomposition theorem for 0-cycles and applications, arXiv:2109.10037; 09/2021
- C. Löh, M. Moraschini, G. Raptis. On the simplicial volume and the Euler characteristic of (aspherical) manifolds, arXiv:2109.08115 math.AT; 09/2021
- A. A. Khan, C. Ravi. Generalized cohomology theories for algebraic stacks. arXiv:2106.15001; 06/2021
- F. Fournier Facio, C. Löh, M. Moraschini. Bounded cohomology of finitely generated groups: vanishing, non-vanishing, and computability, arXiv:2106.13567 math.GR; 06/2021
- L. Pol, J. Williamson. Local Gorenstein duality in chromatic group cohomology. arXiv:2106.08669; 06/2021
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Conformal vector fields on lcK manifolds arxiv:2106.06851; 06/2021
- S. Friedl, L. Munser, J. P. Quintanilha, Y. Santos Rego. Canonical decompositions and algorithmic recognition of spatial graphs, arXiv:2105.06905 math.GT; 05/2021
- M. Moraschini, G. Raptis. Amenability and acyclicity in bounded cohomology theory, arXiv:2105.02821 math.AT; 05/2021
- C. Löh, M. Moraschini. Topological volumes of fibrations: A note on open covers, arXiv:2104.06038 math.GT; 04/2021
- R. Gupta, A. Krishna, Ramified class field theory and duality over finite fields, arXiv:2104.03029; 04/2021
- G. Raptis. Bounded cohomology and homotopy colimits, arXiv:2103.15614; 03/2021
- B. Ammann, J. Glöckle, Dominant energy condition and spinors on Lorentzian manifolds, arXiv:2103.11032; 03/2021.
- M. Kerz, S. Saito, G. Tamme. K-theory of non-archimedean rings II. arXiv:2103.06711; 03/2021
- H. K. Nguyen, G. Raptis, C. Schrade. Higher weak (co)limits, adjoint functor theorems, and higher Brown representability, arXiv:2103.06003; 03/2021
- F. Hanisch, M. Ludewig. A Rigorous Construction of the Supersymmetric Path Integral Associated to a Compact Spin Manifold. arXiv:1709.10027; 03/2021
- F. Hanisch, M. Ludewig. The Fermionic integral on loop space and the Pfaffian line bundle. arXiv:1709.10028; 03/2021
- B. Güneysu, M. Ludewig. The Chern Character of theta-summable Fredholm Modules over dg Algebras and Localization on Loop Space. arXiv:1901.04721; 03/2021
- J.I. Burgos Gil, W. Gubler, P. Jell, K. Künnemann. Pluripotential theory for tropical toric varieties and non-archimedean Monge-Ampére equations. arXiv:2102.07392; 02/2021
- L. Pol, N.P. Strickland. Representation stability and outer automorphism groups. arxiv:2102.06410; 02/2021
- T. Fenzl. Extended skeletons of poly-stable pairs, arxiv:2102.05130; 02/2021
- R. Gupta, A. Krishna, Idele class groups with modulus, arXiv:2101.04609; 01/2021
- H. Esnault, M. Kerz. Local systems with quasi-unipotent monodromy at infinity are dense, arXiv:2101.00487; 01/2021
- S. Wolf, The pro-étale topos as a category of pyknotic presheaves, Doc. Math. 27, 2067-2106 (2022) 12/2020
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Metric connections with parallel twistor-free torsion arXiv:2012.10882 math.DG; 12/2020
- B. Ammann, J. Mougel, V. Nistor. A regularity result for the bound states of N-body Schrödinger operators: Blow-ups and Lie manifolds arXiv:2012.13902; 12/2020.
- J.I. Burgos Gil, S. Goswami, G. Pearlstein. Height Pairing on Higher Cycles and Mixed Hodge Structures. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 125 (2022), Issue 1, 61-170 [2].
- P. Capovilla, M. Moraschini, C. Löh. Amenable category and complexity, arXiv:2012.00612; 12/2020.
- S.Balchin, J.P.C. Greenlees, L. Pol, J. Williamson. Torsion model for tensor triangulated categories: the one-step case. arXiv:2011.10413; 11/2020
- L. Pol, J. Williamson. The homotopy theory of complete modules. arXiv:2011.06989; 11/2020
- S. Boucksom, W. Gubler, F. Martin. Non-Archimedean volumes of metrized nef line bundles. arXiv:2011.06986; 11/2020
- T. Bachmann, A. A. Khan, C. Ravi, V. Sosnilo. Categorical Milnor squares and K-theory of algebraic stacks. arXiv:2011.04355; 11/2020
- P. Dolce, R. Gualdi, Numerical equivalence of ℝ-divisors and Shioda-Tate formula for arithmetic varieties, arXiv:2010.16134; 10/2020
- N. Heuer, C. Löh, The spectrum of simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds, arXiv:2010.12945; 10/2020.
- M. Ludewig, Z. Yi, A Short Proof of the Localization Formula for the Loop Space Chern Character of Spin Manifolds, arXiv:2010.05892; 10/2020.
- S. Friedl, C. Löh, Epimorphism testing with virtually Abelian targets, arXiv:2010.07537; 10/2020.
- N.Sardari, M.Zargar, New upper bounds for spherical codes and packings, arXiv:2001.00185; 09/2020
- C. Ravi, B. Sreedhar. Virtual equivariant Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula. arXiv:2009.09697; 09/2020
- B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, K. Moi, M. Land, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus, W. Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories III: Grothendieck-Witt groups of rings arXiv:2009.07225; 09/2020
- M. Ludewig, G. C. Thiang. Gaplessness of Landau Hamiltonians on hyperbolic half-planes via coarse geometry. arXiv:2009.07688; 09/2020. To appear in Comm. Math. Phys.
- B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, K. Moi, M. Land, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus, W. Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories II: Cobordism categories and additivity arXiv:2009.07224; 09/2020
- B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, K. Moi, M. Land, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus, W. Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories I: Foundations arXiv:2009.07223; 09/2020
- R. Gupta, Motivic invariants of symmetric powers, arXiv:2009.06986; 09/2020
- M. Hoyois, Joachim Jelisiejew, D. Nardin, Burt Totaro, M. Yakerson. The Hilbert scheme of infinite affine space and algebraic K-theory. arXiv:2002.11439; 09/2020
- Y. Kezuka, Tamagawa number divisibility of central L-values of twists of the Fermat elliptic curve. arXiv:2003.02772 math.NT; 08/2020
- E. Elmanto, D. Nardin and L. Yang. A descent view on Mitchell's theorem arXiv:2008.02821; 08/2020
- R. Gupta, A. Krishna, Reciprocity for Kato-Saito idele class group with modulus, arXiv:2008.05719; 08/2020
- S. Baader, R. Blair, A. Kjuchukova and F. Misev. The bridge number of arborescent links with many twigs. arXiv:2008.00763; 08/2020
- S. Friedl, T. Kitayama, L. Lewark, M. Nagel and M. Powell. Homotopy ribbon concordance, Blanchfield pairings, and twisted Alexander polynomials. arXiv:2007.15289; 08/2020
- G. Herrmann and J. P. Quintanilha. The Complex of Hypersurfaces in a Homology Class. arXiv:2007.00522; 07/2020
- M. Ludewig, S. Roos. The Chiral Anomaly of the Free Fermion in Functorial Field Theory. arXiv:2010.05892; Ann. Henri Poincare, 21:1191-1233, 06/2020.
- M. Ludewig, G. C. Thiang. Good Wannier bases in Hilbert modules associated to topological insulators. arXiv:1904.13051; J. Math. Phys., 61, 061902, 06/2020.
- A. Galateau and C. Martínez. Homothéties explicites des représentations ℓ-adiques. arXiv:2006.07401; 06/2020
- H. Esnault and M. Kerz. Density of Arithmetic Representations of Function Fields. arXiv:2005.12819; 05/2020
- S. Boucksom, W. Gubler, F. Martin. Differentiability of relative volumes over an arbitrary non-archimedean field. arXiv:2004.03847; 04/2020
- A. M. Botero and J. I. Burgos Gil. Toroidal b-divisors and Monge-Ampére measures. arXiv.2004.1405; 04/2020
- A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Closed 1-Forms and Twisted Cohomology arXiv:2003.10368 math.DG; 03/2020
- K. van Woerden. Quantifying Quillen's Uniform Fp-isomorphism Theorem. arXiv:1711.10206v2 math. AT; 03/2020
- D. Heard. The topological nilpotence degree of a Noetherian unstable algebra. arXiv:2003.13267; 03/2020
- S. Kionke, C. Löh. A note on p-adic simplicial volumes, arXiv:2003.10756 math.GT; 03/2020
- Burgos Gil, José Ignacio; Gubler, Walter; P. Jell; Künnemann, Klaus: A comparison of positivity in complex and tropical toric geometry. arXiv:2003.08644 math.AG; 03/2020.
- C. Löh. Ergodic theoretic methods in group homology. A minicourse on L2-Betti numbers in group theory. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-44220-0 03/2020.
- C. Löh, M. Moraschini. Simplicial volume via normalised cycles, arXiv:2003.02584 math.AT; 03/2020
- R. Gualdi, C. Martínez, Higher dimensional essential minima and equidistribution of cycles, arXiv:2001.11468; 01/2020
- M. Land, L. Meier, G. Tamme, Vanishing results for chromatic localizations of algebraic K-theory. arXiv:2001.10425; 01/2020
- N. Ginoux, G. Habib, M. Pilca, U. Semmelmann. An Obata-type characterization of doubly-warped product Kähler manifolds. arxiv:2002.08808; 02/2020
- N. Ginoux, G. Habib, M. Pilca, U. Semmelmann. An Obata-type characterization of Calabi metrics on line bundles. arxiv:2002.08810; 02/2020
- T. Barthel, D. Heard, N. Castellana, G. Valenzuela. Local Gorenstein duality for cochains on spaces. arXiv:2001.02580; 01/2020. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 2, February 2021
- M. Ludewig, G. C. Thiang. Cobordism invariance of topological edge-following states. arXiv:2001.08339; 01/2020.
- M. Ludewig, A. Stoffel. A framework for geometric field theories and their classification in dimension one. arXiv:2001.05721; 01/2020.
- G. Kings, J. Sprang, Eisenstein-Kronecker classes, integrality of critical values of Hecke L-functions and p-adic interpolation,arXiv:1912.03657; 12/2019
- M. Moraschini, Alessio Savini. Multiplicative constants and maximal measurable cocycles in bounded cohomology. arXiv:1912.09731; 12/2019
- Stefan Friedl, Stefano Vidussi. BNS Invariants and Algebraic Fibrations of Group Extensions. arXiv:1912.10524; 12/2019
- R. Frigerio, M. Moraschini. Gromov's theory of multicomplexes with applications to bounded cohomology and simplicial volume, arXiv:1808.07307 math.GT; 12/2019; To appear in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
- A. M. Botero, J. I. Burgos Gil and M. Sombra. Convex analysis on polyhedral spaces. arXiv:1911.04821; 11/2019
- Y. Kezuka, Y. Li, A classical family of elliptic curves having rank one and the 2-primary part of their Tate-Shafarevich group non-trivial. arXiv:1911.04532 math.NT; 11/2019
- N. Heuer, C. Löh. Transcendental simplicial volumes, arXiv:1911.006386 math.GT; 11/2019
- N. Heuer, C. Löh. Simplicial volume of one-relator groups and stable commutator length, arXiv:1911.02470 math.GT; 11/2019
- T. Bachmann, E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, A.A. Khan, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson. On the infinite loop spaces of algebraic cobordism and the motivic sphere. arXiv:1911.02262; 11/2019
- C. Löh, R. Sauer. Bounded cohomology of amenable covers via classifying spaces, arXiv:1910.11716 math.AT; 10/2019
- B. Ammann; J. Mougel; V. Nistor, A comparison of the Georgescu and Vasy spaces associated to the N-body problems. arXiv:1910.10656 math-ph; 10/2019
- A. M. Botero. The Convex-Set Algebra and intersection theory on the Toric Riemann-Zariski Space. arXiv.1909.08262; 09/2019
- S. Friedl, M. Nagel, P. Orson, M. Powell. A survey of the foundations of four-manifold theory in the topological category. arXiv:1910.07372; 10/2019
- D. Fauser, C. Löh, M. Moraschini, J. P. Quintanilha. Stable integral simplicial volume of 3-manifolds, arXiv:1910.06120 math.GT; 10/2019
- M.Zargar, Riemannian structures and point-counting, arXiv:1910.04003; 10/2019
- M.Zargar, Comparison of stable homotopy categories and a generalized Suslin-Voevodsky theorem, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 354; 10/2019
- A.A. Khan. Virtual excess intersection theory. arXiv:1909.13829; 09/2019
- P. Jell, Tropical cohomology with integral coefficients for analytic spaces. arXiv:1909.12633 math.AG; 09/2019
- V. Wanner, Energy Minimization Principle for non-archimedean curves. arXiv:1909.11335; 09/2019.
- V. Ertl, L.E. Miller. Witt differentials in the h-topology. arXiv:1703.08868 math.AC; Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 223, no. 12, 12/2019, pp. 5285-5309.
- N.Sardari, M.Zargar, Ramanujan graphs and exponential sums over function fields, arXiv:1909.07365; 09/2019
- A.A. Khan. Virtual fundamental classes of derived stacks I. arXiv:1909.01332; 09/2019
- M. Moraschini, Alessio Savini. A Matsumoto-Mostow result for Zimmer's cocycles of hyperbolic lattices. arXiv:1909.00846; 09/2019 To appear in Transformation Groups.
- Imre Bokor, Diarmuid Crowley, S. Friedl, Fabian Hebestreit, Daniel Kasprowski, Markus Land, Johnny Nicholson Connected sum decompositions of high-dimensional manifolds. arXiv:1909.02628; 09/2019
- M. Lüders, Algebraization for zero-cycles and the p-adic cycle class map, Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 26 (2019) Number 2, pp. 557-585.
- M. Lüders, A restriction isomorphism for zero cyclces with coefficients in Milnor K-theory, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, Volume 7 (2019) Number 1-2, pp. 1-31.
- A. Engel, Ch. Wulff, R. Zeidler. Slant products on the Higson-Roe exact sequence, arXiv:1909.03777 math.KT; 09/2019
- S. Baader, I. Banfield, L. Lewark. Untwisting 3-strand torus knots. arXiv:1909.01003; 09/2019
- E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, A.A. Khan, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson. Modules over algebraic cobordism. arXiv:1908.02162; 08/2019
- N.Sardari, M.Zargar, Sections of quadrics over A^1_{F_q}, arXiv:1907.07839; 08/2019
- H. Esnault, M. Kerz, Etale cohomology of rank one l-adic local systems in positive characteristic, arxiv:1908.08291; 08/2019
- H.K.Nguyen, Covariant & Contravariant Homotopy Theories, arxiv:1908.06879; 08/2019
- Y. Kezuka, On the main conjecture of Iwasawa theory for certain non-cyclotomic ℤp-extensions. arXiv:1711.07554 math.NT; J. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. 100, pp. 107-136, 8/2019
- Y. Kezuka, J. Choi, Y. Li, Analogues of Iwasawa's μ=0 conjecture and the weak Leopoldt conjecture for a non-cyclotomic ℤ2-extension. arXiv:1711.01697 math.NT; Asian J. Math., Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 383-400, 7/2019
- S. Friedl, Mark Powell, Homotopy ribbon concordance and Alexander polynomials. arXiv:1907.09031; 07/2019
- V. Ertl, K. Yamada. Rigid analytic reconstruction of Hyodo--Kato theory. arXiv:1907.10964 math.NT; 07/2019.
- D. Heard. Depth and detection for Noetherian unstable algebras. arxiv:1907.06373; 07/2019
- L. Prader, A local–global principle for surjective polynomial maps, arXiv:1909.11690; Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223(6), 06/2019, pp. 2371-2381
- F. Madani, A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. LcK structures with holomorphic Lee vector field on Vaisman-type manifolds arXiv:1905.07300 math.DG; 05/2019
- J. Glöckle, On the space of initial values strictly satisfying the dominant energy condition, arXiv:1906.00099; 05/2019
- N. Naumann, C. Ravi. Rigidity in equivariant algebraic $K$-theory. arXiv:1905.03102; 05/2019
- P. Feller, L. Lewark. Balanced algebraic unknotting, linking forms, and surfaces in three- and four-space. arXiv:1905.08305; 05/2019
- G. Raptis, W. Steimle, Topological manifold bundles and the A-theory assembly map. arXiv:1905.01868; 05/2019
- P. Antonini, A. Buss, A. Engel, T. Siebenand. Strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology and exotic group C*-algebras, arXiv:1905.07730 math.KT; 05/2019
- J. Schmidt, F. Strunk. A Bloch--Ogus Theorem for henselian local rings in mixed characteristic. arXiv:1904.02937; 04/2019
- T. Barthel, D. Heard, N. Castellana, G. Valenzuela. On stratification for spaces with Noetherian mod p cohomology. arxiv:1904.12841; 04/2019
- B. Karlhofer, J. Kędra, M. Marcinkowski, A. Trost. Qualitative counting closed geodesics,arXiv:1904.11237 math.DG; 04/2019
- N. Heuer, C. Löh. The spectrum of simplicial volume. arXiv:1904.04539 math.GT; 04/2019
- K. Bohlen, J. M. Lescure. A geometric approach to K-homology for Lie manifolds, arXiv:1904.04069; 04/2019
- V. Ertl, A. Shiho. On infiniteness of integral overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology modulo torsion. arXiv:1812.03720 math.NT; 04/2019; to appear in the Tohoku Mathematical Journal.
- V. Ertl. A new proof of a vanishing result due to Berthelot, Esnault, and Rülling. arXiv:1805.06269 math.NT; 04/2019 to appear in the Journal of Number Theory.
- C. Löh. Residually finite categories. arXiv:1903.11488 math.CT; 03/2019
- A. Engel, C. Löh. Polynomially weighted l^p-completions and group homology. arXiv:1903.11486 math.GR; 03/2019
- B. Ammann; K. Kröncke, O. Müller. Construction of initial data sets for Lorentzian manifolds with lightlike parallel spinors. Commun. Math. Phys. 387, 77-109 (2021), doi: 10.1007/s00220-021-04172-1, arXiv:1903.02064 math.DG; 03/2019
- M. Brandenbursky, M. Marcinkowski. Bounded cohomology of transformation groups. arXiv:1902.11067 math.GT; 02/2019.
- H. Esnault, M. Kerz, Arithmetic subspaces of moduli spaces of rank one local systems. arXiv:1902.02961; 2/2019.
- F. Déglise, J. Fasel, F. Jin, A.A. Khan. Borel isomorphism and absolute purity. arXiv:1902.02055; 02/2019
- G. Raptis, On transfer maps in the algebraic K-theory of spaces. arXiv:1901.05539; 01/2019
- V. Ertl, W. Nizioł. Syntomic cohomology and p-adic motivic cohomology. Algebraic Geometry, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 100-131; 01/2019.
- E. Elmanto, A.A. Khan. Perfection in motivic homotopy theory. arXiv:1812.07506; 12/2018
- M. Kerz, F. Strunk, G. Tamme, Towards Vorst's conjecture in positive characteristic. arXiv:1812.05342; 12/2018.
- F. Binda,S. Saito, Semi-purity for cycles with modulus arXiv:1812.01878; 12/2018.
- B. Ammann; N. Große; V Nistor, Analysis and boundary value problems on singular domains: an approach via bounded geometry. arXiv:1812.09898 math.AP; 12/2018
- V. Ertl, J. Sprang. Integral Comparison of Monsky-Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology. Proceedings of the AMS, Series B, vol. 5, pp. 64-72; 11/2018.
- G. Raptis, Devissage for Waldhausen K-theory. arXiv:1811.09564; 11/2018
- A.A. Khan. Descent by quasi-smooth blow-ups in algebraic K-theory. arXiv:1810.12858; 10/2018
- B. Ammann; N. Große; V Nistor, The strong Legendre condition and the well-posedness of mixed Robin problems on manifolds with bounded geometry. arXiv:1810.06926 math.AP; 10/2018
- F. Bambozzi, A. Vezzani, Rigidity for rigid analytic motives. arXiv:1810.04968;10/2018
- D. Heard, G. Li, D. Shi, Picard groups and duality for real Morava E-theories. arxiv:1810.05439; 10/2018
- B. Ammann; N. Ginoux; Some examples of Dirac-harmonic maps arXiv:1809.09859 math.AP; 09/2018
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, D. Kasprowski, Ch. Winges, Injectivity results for coarse homology theories. arXiv:1809.11079 math.KT; 09/2018
- E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, A.A. Khan, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson. Framed transfers and motivic fundamental classes. arXiv:1809.10666; 09/2018
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, D. Kasprowski, Ch. Winges, Transfers in coarse homology. arXiv:1809.08300 math.KT; 09/2018
- C. Löh. Cost vs. integral foliated simplicial volume. arXiv:1809.09660 math.GT; 09/2018
- J. Sprang. A linear independence result for p-adic L-values. arXiv:1809.07714 math.NT; 09/2018
- C. Löh. Simplicial volume with Fp-coefficients. arXiv:1808.09497 math.GT; 08/2018
- M. Land, G. Tamme. On the K-theory of pullbacks. arXiv:1808.05559 math.KT; 08/2018
- D. Fauser, S. Friedl, C. Löh. Integral approximation of simplicial volume of graph manifolds. arXiv:1807.10522 math.GT; 07/2018
- S. Friedl, JungHwan Park, Bram Petri, Jean Raimbault and Arunima Ray, On distinct finite covers of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1807.09861; 07/2018
- E. Yang, Y. Zhao. On the relative twist formula of l-adic sheaves. arXiv:1807.06930 math.AG; 07/2018
- F. Ben Aribi, S. Friedl, G. Herrmann, The leading coefficient of the L^2-Alexander torsion. arXiv:1806.10965; 06/2018
- F. Déglise, F. Jin, A.A. Khan. Fundamental classes in motivic homotopy theory. arXiv:1805.05920; 05/2018
- G. Raptis, W. Steimle, On the h-cobordism category. I. arXiv:1805.04395; 05/2018
- V. Ertl, K. Yamada. Comparison between rigid syntomic and crystalline syntomic cohomology for strictly semistable log schemes with boundary. arXiv:1805.04974 math.NT; 05/2018.
- G. Herrmann, Sutured manifolds and L^2-Betti numbers. arxiv:1804.09519; 04/2018
- H.K. Nguyen, G. Raptis, C. Schrade, Adjoint functor theorems for infinity categories. arxiv:1803.01664; 03/2018
- M. Kerz, Y. Zhao, Higher ideles and class field theory. arXiv:1804.00603; 03/2018
- S. Fischler, J. Sprang, W. Zudilin, Many odd zeta values are irrational. arXiv:1803.08905; 03/2018
- G. Kings, D. Scarponi, The Maillot-Rössler current and the polylogarithm on abelian schemes. arXiv:1803.00833; 03/2018
- M. Marcinkowski, Aut-invariant word norm on right angled Artin and Coxeter groups. arXiv:1803.00294; 03/2018
- F. Binda, A. Krishna, Rigidity for relative 0-cycles arXiv:1802.00165; 2/2018.
- J. Sprang, Infinitely many odd zeta values are irrational. By elementary means. arXiv:1802.09410; 02/2018
- M. Kerz, S. Saito, G. Tamme, K-theory of non-archimedean rings I. arXiv1802.09819 math.KT; 02/2018
- A.A. Khan, D. Rydh. Virtual Cartier divisors and blow-ups. arXiv:1802.05702; 2/2018
- J. Sprang, The syntomic realization of the elliptic polylogarithm via the Poincaré bundle. arXiv:1802.04999; 02/2018
- J. Sprang, The algebraic de Rham realization of the elliptic polylogarithm via the Poincaré bundle. arXiv:1802.04996; 02/2018
- F. Bambozzi, S. Murro, N. Pinamonti Invariant states on Weyl algebras for the action of the symplectic group. arXiv:1802.02487;02/2018
- Y. Kezuka, On the p-part of the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves with complex multiplication by the ring of integers of ℚ(√-3). arXiv:1605.08245 math.NT; Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., 164, pp. 67-98, 1/2018
- J. Sprang, Real-analytic Eisenstein series via the Poincaré bundle. arXiv:1801.05677; 01/2018
- V. Wanner, Comparison of two notions of subharmonicity on non-archimedean curves. arXiv: 1801.04713; 01/2018
- Gubler, Walter; Jell, Philipp; Künnemann, Klaus; Martin, Florent, Continuity of Plurisubharmonic Envelopes in Non-Archimedean Geometry and Test Ideals (with an Appendix by José Ignacio Burgos Gil and Martín Sombra). Annales de l’Institut Fourier 69 (2019), no.5, 2331-2376 doi : 10.5802/aif.3296 arXiv:1712.00980 math.AG; 12/2017.
- G. Cortiñas, J. Cuntz, R. Meyer, and G. Tamme, Weak completions, bornologies and rigid cohomology. arXiv:1712.08004 math.AG; 12/2017
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, D. Kasprowski, Ch. Winges, Coarse homology theories and finite decomposition complexity. arXiv:1712.06932 math.KT;12/2017
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, Coarse cohomology theories. arXiv:1711.08599 math.AT; 11/2017
- A. Engel, Ch. Wulff Coronas for properly combable spaces. arXiv:1711.06836 math.MG; 11/2017
- M. Land, Reducibility of low dimensional Poincaré duality spaces. arXiv:1711.08179; 11/2017
- T. Barthel, T. Schlank, N. Stapleton, Chromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic. arXiv:1711.00844; 11/2017
- P. Jell, J. Rau, K. Shaw Lefschetz (1,1)-theorem in tropical geometry. Epijournal de Géometrie Algébrique, volume 2, article no. 11 (2018)arXiv:1711.07900;11/2017
- E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, A.A. Khan, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson. Motivic infinite loop spaces.arXiv:1711.05248; 11/2017
- F. Bambozzi, O.Ben-Bassat, K. Kremnizer Analytic geometry over F_1 and the Fargues-Fontaine curve. arXiv:1711.04885;11/2017
- R. Zentner, S. Sivek, SU(2)-cyclic surgeries and the pillowcase. arXiv:1710.01957 math.gt;10/2017
- S. Friedl, G. Herrmann, Torsion in the homology of finite covers of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1710.0898 [math.gt;10/2017
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, D. Kasprowski, Ch. Winges, Equivariant coarse homotopy theory and coarse algebraic K-homology. arXiv:1710.04935 math.KT;10/2017
- K. Bohlen, René Schulz. Quantization on manifolds with an embedded submanifold, arXiv:1710.02294 math.DG; 10/2017
- F. Binda and A. Krishna, Zero cycles with modulus and zero cycles on singular varieties, to appear in Compositio Math, arXiv:1512.04847v4 [math.AG].
- M. Boileau, S. Friedl, Grothendieck rigidity of 3-manifold groups. arXiv:1710.02746 math.gt;10/2017
- T. Barthel, M. Hausmann, N. Naumann, T. Nikolaus, J. Noel, N. Stapleton, The Balmer spectrum of the equivariant homotopy category of a finite abelian group, arXiv:1709.04828 math.at; 10/2017
- M. Boileau, S. Friedl, The virtual Thurston seminorm of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1709.06485 math.gt;09/2017
- A. Conway, S. Friedl, G. Herrmann, Linking forms revisited. arXiv:1708.03754 math.gt;08/2017
- G. Cortiñas, J. Cuntz, R. Meyer, and G. Tamme, Nonarchimedean bornologies, cyclic homology and rigid cohomology. arXiv:1708.00357 math.AG; 08/2017
- M. Marcinkowski, M. Brandenbursky, Topological entropy and quasimorphisms. arXiv:1707.06020 math.GT; 07/2017
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, The coarse index class with support. arXiv:1706.06959 math.DG; 06/2017
- P. Jell, Tropical Hodge numbers of non-archimedean curves. Israel Journal of Mathematics 229 (2019), 1-19, no.1, 287-305, doi: 10.1007/s11856-018-1799-5arXiv:1706.05895 math.AG; 06/2017
- T. Barthel, N. Stapleton, Excellent rings in transchromatic homotopy theory. arXiv:1706.00208 math.AT; 06/2017
- U. Bunke, A. Engel, Coarse assembly maps. arXiv:1706.02164 math.KT; 06/2017
- F. Hebestreit, M. Land, W. Lück, O. Randal-Williams. A Vanishing theorem for tautological classes of aspherical manifolds. arXiv:1705.06232 math.AT; 05/2017
- D.-C. Cisinski, A.A. Khan. Brave new motivic homotopy theory II: Homotopy invariant K-theory. arXiv:1705.03340; 05/2017
- F. Madani, A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. On Weyl-reducible conformal manifolds and lcK structures arXiv:1705.10397 math.DG; 05/2017
- G. Raptis, F. Strunk. Model topoi and motivic homotopy theory. arXiv:1704.08467 math.AT; 04/2017
- D. Fauser. Integral foliated simplicial volume and S^1-actions. arXiv:1704.08538 math.GT; 04/2017
- S. Friedl, S. Vidussi, On virtual properties of Kaehler groups. arXiv:1704.07041 math.gt;04/2017
- S. Friedl, M. Gill, S. Tillmann, Linear representations of 3-manifold groups over rings. arXiv:1703.06609 math.gt;04/2017
- C. Löh. Explicit l1-efficient cycles and amenable normal subgroups. arXiv:1704.05345 math.GT; 04/2017
- C. Löh. Rank gradient vs. stable integral simplicial volume. arXiv:1704.05222 math.GT; 04/2017
- S.P. Reeh, T.M. Schlank, N. Stapleton, A formula for p-completion by way of the Segal conjecture. arxiv:1704.00271 math.AT; 04/2017
- F. Binda, Torsion zero cycles with modulus on affine varieties.arXiv:1604.06294 math.AG, to appear in J. of Pure and App. Algebra.
- F. Binda, J. Cao, W. Kai and R. Sugiyama, Torsion and divisibility for reciprocity sheaves and 0-cycles with modulus, J. of Algebra, Vol. 469, 1, 2017.
- H.K. Nguyen, On the infinite loop space structure of the cobordism category, Algebr. Geom. Topol. Vol. 17 issue 2, 3/2017
- G. Tamme, Excision in algebraic K-theory revisited. arXiv:1703.03331 math.KT; 03/2017
- D. Fauser, C. Löh. Variations on the theme of the uniform boundary condition. arXiv:1703.01108 math.GT; 03/2017
- A. Engel, Banach strong Novikov conjecture for polynomially contractible groups. arXiv:1702.02269 math.KT; 02/2017
- M.Brandenbursky, M.Marcinkowski. Aut-invariant norms and Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on free and surface groups. arXiv:1702.01662 math.GT; 02/2017
- N. Umezaki, E. Yang, Y. Zhao. Characteristic class and the ε-factor of an étale sheaf. arXiv:1701.02841 math.AG; 01/2017
- M. Lüders, On a base change conjecture for higher zero-cycles. arXiv:1612.04635 math.AG; 12/2016
- P. Jell, V. Wanner. Poincaré duality for the real-valued de Rham cohomology of non-archimedean Mumford curves. Journal of Number Theory 187 (2018), 344-371 doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2017.11.004 arXiv:1612.01889 math.AG; 12/2016
- F. Madani, A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. On toric locally conformally Kähler manifolds arXiv:1611.01707 math.DG; 11/2016
- U. Jannsen, S. Saito, Y. Zhao. Duality for relative logarithmic de Rham-Witt sheaves and wildly ramified class field theory over finite fields. arXiv:1611.08720 math.AG; 11/2016
- Y. Zhao. Duality for relative logarithmic de Rham-Witt sheaves on semistable schemes. arXiv:1611.08722 math.AG; 11/2016
- S. Friedl; M. Nagel, P. Orson, M. Powell, Satellites and concordance of knots in 3-manifold arXiv:1611.09114 math.GT; 11/2016
- M. Kerz, F. Strunk, G. Tamme. Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups. arXiv:1611.08466 math.KT; 11/2016
- N. Otoba; J. Petean, Solutions of the Yamabe equation on harmonic Riemannian submersions, arXiv:1611.06709 math.DG; 11/2016
- S. Friedl; W. Lueck, S. Tillmann, Groups and polytopes arXiv:1611.01857 math.GT; 11/2016
- B. Ammann; N. Große; V Nistor, Well-posedness of the Laplacian on manifolds with boundary and bounded geometry arXiv:1611.00281 math.AP; 11/2016
- A. Engel, M. Marcinkowski, Burghelea conjecture and asymptotic dimension of groups, arXiv:1610.10076 math.GT; 11/2016.
- S. Baader, P. Feller, L. Lewark, R. Zentner, Khovanov width and dealternation number of positive braid links, arXiv:1605.04534 math.GT; 10/2016
- M. Heusener, R. Zentner, A new algorithm for 3-sphere recognition, arXiv:1605.04092 math.GT; 10/2016
- S. Friedl; M. Heusener. On high-dimensional representations of knot groups arXiv:1610.04414 math.GT; 10/2016
- O. Müller, Applying the index theorem to non-smooth operators, arXiv:1506.04636 math.AP; 10/2016
- S. Friedl; W. Lueck. L2-Euler characteristics and the Thurston norm arXiv:1609.07805 math.GT; 09/2016
- S. Friedl; W. Lueck. Universal L2-torsion, polytopes and applications to 3-manifolds. arXiv:1609.07809 math.GT; 09/2016
- A. Conway; S. Friedl; E. Toffoli, The Blanchfield pairing of colored links. arXiv:1609.08057 math.GT; 09/2016
- Burgos Gil, José Ignacio; Gubler, Walter; Jell, Philipp; Künnemann, Klaus; Martin, Florent, Differentiability of non-archimedean volumes and non-archimedean Monge-Ampère equations (with an appendix by Robert Lazarsfeld). Algebraic Geometry 7 (2) (2020) 113-152 doi:10.14231/AG-2020-005 arXiv:1608.01919 math.AG; 08/2016.
- Gubler, Walter; Martin, Florent, On Zhang's semipositive metrics. arXiv:1608.08030; 08/2016
- M. Kerz, S. Saito, G. Tamme. Towards a non-archimedean analytic analog of the Bass-Quillen conjecture. arXiv:1608.00703 math.AG; 08/2016
- O. Müller, A proof of Thorne's Hoop Conjecture for Einstein-Maxwell Theory, arXiv:1607.05036 math.DG; 08/2016
- V. Ertl. Full faithfulness for overconvergent F-de Rham-Witt connections. arXiv:1411.7182 math.NT; Comptes rendus - Mathématique vol. 354, no. 7, pp. 653-658, 07/2016.
- U. Bunke, A. Engel. Homotopy theory with bornological coarse spaces. arXiv:1607.03657 math.AT; 07/2016
- S. Friedl. Novikov homology and noncommutative Alexander polynomials. arXiv:1606.03587 math.GT; 06/2016
- A. Mathew, Dustin Clausen, N. Naumann, J. Noel Descent in algebraic K-theory and a conjecture of Ausoni-Rognes. arxiv:1606.03328 math.AT.
- R. Zentner, Integer homology 3-spheres admit irreducible representations in SL(2,C), arXiv:1605.08530 math.GT; 05/2016
- D. Fauser, C. Löh, Exotic finite functorial semi-norms on singular homology. arXiv:1605.04093 math.GT; 05/2016
- B. Botvinnik, O. Müller, Cheeger-Gromov convergence in a conformal setting, arXiv:1512.07651 math.DG; 04/2016
- G. Herrmann, The $L^2$-Alexander torsion for Seifert fiber spaces. arXiv:1602.08768 math.GT; 02/2016
- S. Friedl, S. Vidussi. Rank gradients of infinite cyclic covers of Kaehler manifolds. arXiv:1604.08267 math.GT; 04/2016
- J. Lind, C. Malkiewich. The transfer map of free loop spaces arXiv:1604.03067 math.AT; 04/2016
- P. Graf. Polylogarithms for $GL_2$ over totally real fields. arXiv:1604.04209 math.NT; 04/2016
- S. Friedl, T. Kitayama, M. Nagel. Representation varieties detect essential surfaces. arXiv:1604.00584 math.GT; 04/2016
- D. Scarponi, Sparsity of p-divisible unramified liftings for subvarieties of abelian varieties with trivial stabilizer. arXiv:1602.08755v3; 02/2016
- O. Gwilliam, D. Pavlov. Enhancing the filtered derived category. arXiv:1602.01515, accepted by J. Pure Appl. Algebra; 02/2016
- J. Schmidt, F. Strunk. On the shifted stable A1-connectivity property. arXiv:1602.08356 math.AG; 02/2016
- S. Friedl,M. Boileau. Epimorphisms of 3-manifold groups. arXiv:1602.06779 math.GT; 02/2016
- S. Friedl,L. Maxim. Twisted Novikov homology of complex hypersurface complements. arXiv:1602.04943 math.AT; 02/2016
- F. Bambozzi. Theorems A and B for dagger quasi-Stein spaces. arXiv:1602.04388 math.AG; 02/2016
- T. Fiore and M. Pieper. Waldhausen Additivity: Classical and Quasicategorical. arXiv:1207.6613v2 math.AT; 02/2016
- A. Engel. Wrong way maps in uniformly finite homology and homology of groups. arXiv:1602.03374 math.GT; 02/2016
- M. Pilca. Toric Vaisman Manifolds. arXiv:1512.00876 math.DG; 01/2016
- S. Friedl, C. Leidy, M. Nagel, M. Powell. Twisted Blanchfield pairings and decompositions of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1602.00140 math.GT; 01/2016
- O. Raventós. Transfinite Adams representability. arXiv:1304.3599; new version 02/2016
- M. Kerz, F. Strunk. On the vanishing of negative homotopy K-theory arXiv:1601.08075 math.AG; 01/2016
- J. Lind, H. Sati, C. Westerland. A higher categorical analogue of topological T-duality for sphere bundles arXiv:1601.06285 math.AT; 01/2016
- F. Madani, A. Moroianu, M. Pilca. Conformally related Kähler metrics and the holonomy of lcK manifolds arXiv: 1511.09212 math.DG; 01/2016
- D. Scarponi, The realization of the degree zero part of the motivic polylogarithm on abelian schemes in Deligne-Beilinson cohomology. arXiv:1512.01997; 12/2015
- O. Amini, S. Bloch, J. I. Burgos Gil, J. Fresán. Feynman Amplitudes and Limits of Heights arXiv:1512.04862 math.AG; 12/2015
- P. Jell, K. Shaw, J. Smacka. Superforms, Tropical Cohomology and Poincaré Duality doi:10.1515/advgeom-2018-0006 arXiv:1512.07409 math.AG; 12/2015
- S. Friedl, C. Livingston, R. Zentner. Knot concordances and alternating knots. arXiv:1512.08414 math.GT; 12/2015
- B. Ammann; Klaus Kröncke, Hartmut Weiß, Frederik Witt. Holonomy rigidity for Ricci-flat metrics, arXiv:1512.07390 math.DG; 12/2015
- J. C. Cha, S. Friedl, F. Funke. The Grothendieck group of polytopes and norms. arXiv:1512.06699 math.GT; 12/2015
- W. Gubler, J. Hertel. Local heights of toric varieties over non-archimedean fields arXiv1512.06574 math.NT; 12/2015
- S. Friedl, M. Powell. The presentation of the Blanchfield pairing of a knot via a Seifert matrix. arXiv:1512.04603 math.GT; 12/2015
- F. Bambozzi, O. Ben-Bassat, K. Kremnizer . Stein Domains in Banach Algebraic Geometry. arxiv:1511.09045 math.AG; 11/2015
- Y. Wu. On the p-adic local invariant cycle theorem. arxiv:1511.08323 math.AG; 11/2015
- J. Scholbach, D. Pavlov. Homotopy theory of symmetric powers. arXiv:1510.04969; 10/2015
- F. Martin; Analytic functions on tubes of non-Archimedean analytic spaces, with an appendix by Christian Kappen arXiv:1510.01178; 10/2015
- G. Kings. On p-adic interpolation of motivic Eisenstein classes. arxiv:1505.01466 math.NT; 10/2015
- S. Friedl, W. Lueck. The L^2-torsion function and the Thurston norm of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1510.00264 math.GT; 10/2015
- O. Müller, N. Nowaczyk, A universal spinor bundle and the Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell equation as a variational theory, arXiv:1504.01034 math.DG; 10/2015
- W. Gubler, K. Künnemann. Positivity properties of metrics and delta-forms. arXiv:150909079 math.AG; 09/2015
- U. Bunke, T. Nikolaus, G. Tamme. The Beilinson regulator is a map of ring spectra arXiv:1509.05667 math.AG; 09/2015
- C. Löh. Odd manifolds of small integral simplicial volume arXiv:1509.00204 math.GT; 09/2015
- P. Feller, S. Pohlmann, R. Zentner, Alternating numbers of torus knots with small braid index, arXiv:1508.05825; 08/2015
- I. Barnea, M. Joachim, S. Mahanta. Model structure on projective systems of C*-algebras and bivariant homology theories. math.KT; 08/2015
- C. Löh, C. Pagliantini, S. Waeber. Cubical simplicial volume of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1508.03017 math.GT; 08/2015
- B. Ammann, F. Madani, M. Pilca. The S^1-equivariant Yamabe invariant of 3-manifolds arxiv:1508.02727 math.DG; 08/2015
- W. Gubler, J. Rabinoff, A. Werner Tropical Skeletons arXiv:1508.01179 math.AG; 08/2015
- K. Kröncke. On infinitesimal Einstein deformations arXiv:1508.00721 math.DG; 08/2015
- K. Kröncke. On the stability of Einstein manifolds arXiv:1311.6749 math.DG; 08/2015
- F. Bambozzi. Closed graph theorems for bornological spaces. arXiv:1508.01563 math.FA; 08/2015
- A. Mathew, N. Naumann, J. Noel Nilpotence and descent in equivariant stable homotopy theory. Advances in Mathematics.
- A. Mathew, N. Naumann, J. Noel Derived induction and restriction theory. arxiv:1507.06867 math.AT.
- K. Kröncke. Stable and unstable Einstein warped products arXiv:1507.01782 math.DG; 07/2015
- S. Friedl, K. Schreve, S. Tillmann. Thurston norm via Fox calculus. arXiv:1507.05660 math.GT; 07/2015
- X. Shen; Perfectoid Shimura varieties of abelian type arXiv:1507.01824 math.NT; 07/2015
- R. Nakad, M. Pilca. Eigenvalue Estimates of the spin^c Dirac Operator and Harmonic Forms on Kähler-Einstein Manifolds. arXiv:1502.05252 math.DG; 07/2015
- D. Kotschick, C. Löh, C. Neofytidis. On stability of non-domination under taking products. arXiv:1507.01413 math.GT; 07/2015
- R. Frigerio, C. Löh, C. Pagliantini, R. Sauer. Integral foliated simplicial volume of aspherical manifolds. arXiv:1506.05567 math.GT; 06/2015
- K. Kröncke. Stability and instability of Ricci solitions arXiv:1403.3721 math.DG; 06/2015
- K. Kröncke. Rigidity and infinitesimal deformability of Ricci solitions arXiv:1408.6751 math.DG; 06/2015
- O. Raventós. The hammock localization preserves homotopies. arXiv:1404.7354; new version 05/2015
- M. Boileau, S. Friedl. The profinite completion of $3$-manifold groups, fiberedness and the Thurston norm. arXiv:1505.07799 math.GT; 05/2015
- S. Wang. Le système d'Euler de Kato en famille (II) arXiv:1312.6428 math.NT; new version 05/2015
- A. Huber, G. Kings. Polylogarithm for families of commutative group schemes arxiv:1505.04574 math.AG; 05/2015
- M. Blank; Relative Bounded Cohomology for Groupoids arXiv:1505.05126 math.AT; 05/2015
- A. Engel. Rough index theory on spaces of polynomial growth and contractibility. arXiv:1505.03988 math.DG; 05/2015
- S. Friedl, T. Kitayama, M. Nagel. A note on the existence of essential tribranched surfaces. arXiv:arXiv:1505.01806 math.GT; 05/2015
- G. Henry. Second Yamabe constant on Riemannian products. arXiv:1505.00981 math.DG; 05/2015
- C. Löh. A note on bounded-cohomological dimension of discrete groups. arXiv:1504.05760 math.GR; 04/2015
- D. Fajman, K. Kröncke. Stable fixed points of the Einstein flow with positive cosmological constant arXiv:1504.00687 math.DG; 04/2015
- S. Mahanta. Algebraic K-theory, K-regularity, and T-duality of O∞-stable C*-algebras. arXiv:1311.4720 math.KT; new version 04/2015
- S. Friedl, M. Nagel. Twisted Reidemeister torsion and the Thurston norm: graph manifolds and finite representations. arXiv:1503.07251 math.GT; 03/2015
- M. Kerz. A restriction isomorphism for cycles of relative dimension zero. arXiv 1503.08187 math.AG; 03/2015
- M. Nagel, B. Owens. Unlinking information from 4-manifolds. arXiv 1503.03092 math.GT; 03/2015
- G. Kings, D. Loeffler, S. Zerbes. Rankin--Eisenstein classes and explicit reciprocity laws. arxiv:1503.02888 math.NT; 03/2015
- B. Ammann, N. Große. Relations between threshold constants for Yamabe type bordism invariants. arxiv:1502.05232 math.DG; 02/2015
- R. Cluckers, F. Martin. A definable, p-adic analogue of Kiszbraun’s Theorem on extensions of Lipschitz maps. arxiv:1502.03036 math.AG; 02/2015
- S. Mahanta. Symmetric monoidal noncommutative spectra, strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras, and bivariant homology. arXiv:1403.4130 math.KT; new version 02/2015
- A. Engel. Index theory of uniform pseudodifferential operators. arXiv:1502.00494 math.DG; 02/2015
- M. Kerz. Transfinite limits in topos theory. arXiv:1502.01923 math.CT; 02/2015
- F. Bambozzi, O. Ben-Bassat. Dagger Geometry As Banach Algebraic Geometry. arXiv:1502.01401v1 math.AG; 02/2015
- S. Mahanta. C*-algebraic drawings of dendroidal sets. arXiv:1501.05799 math.OA; 01/2015
- S. Friedl, S. Tillmann. Two-generator one-relator groups and marked polytopes. arXiv:1501.03489 math.GR; 01/2015
- G. Kings, D. Loeffler, S. Zerbes. Rankin-Eisenstein classes for modular forms. arxiv:1501.03289 math.NT; 01/2015
- R. Zentner. A class of knots with simple SU(2) representations. arXiv:1501.02504 math.GT; 01/2015
- J. Lind, V. Angeltveit. Uniqueness of BP<n>. arXiv:1501.01448 math.AT; 01/2015
- S. Mahanta. Colocalizations of noncommutative spectra and bootstrap categories. arXiv:1412.8370 math.KT; new version 01/2015
- V. Diekert, F. Martin, G. Sénizergues, P. V. Silva: Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables. arxiv:1412.4737 cs.LO; 12/2014
- Harju A.J: Quantum Orbifolds. arXiv:1412.4589 math.QA; 12/2014
- Harju A.J.: On Noncommutative Geometry of Orbifolds. arXiv:1405.7139 math.DG; 12/2014 (revision)
- S. Friedl, M. Nagel. 3-manifolds that can be made acyclic. arXiv:1412.4280 math.GT; 12/2014
- G. Kings, D. Roessler. Higher analytic torsion, polylogarithms and norm compatible elements on abelian schemes. arXiv:1412:2925 math.AG; 12/2014
- S. Friedl, D. Silver, S. Wiliams. The Turaev and Thurston norms. arXiv:1412.2406 math.GT; 12/2014
- F. Belgun Geodesics and Submanifold Structures in Conformal Geometry. arXiv:1411.4404 math.DG; 11/2014
- J. Dubois, S. Friedl, W. Lueck. The L^2-Alexander torsion is symmetric. arXiv:1411.2292 math.GT; 11/2014
- X. Shen. On the cohomology of some simple Shimura varieties with bad reduction. arXiv:1411.0245 math.NT; 11/2014
- X. Shen. On the l-adic cohomology of some p-adically uniformized Shimura varieties. arXiv:1411.0244 math.NT; 11/2014
- F. Martin. Overconvergent subanalytic subsets in the framework of Berkovich spaces arXiv:1211.6684; 10/2014
- J. Dubois, S. Friedl, W. Lueck. Three flavors of twisted invariants of knots. arXiv:1410.6924 math.GT; 10/2014
- J. Dubois, S. Friedl, W. Lueck. The L^2-Alexander torsion of 3-manifolds. arXiv:1410.6918 math.GT; 10/2014
- A. Beilinson, G. Kings, A. Levin. Topological polylogarithms and p-adic interpolation of L-values of totally real fields. arXiv:1410:4741 math.NT; 10/2014
- M. Nagel. Minimal genus in circle bundles over 3-manifolds. arXiv 1410.4018 math.GT; 10/2014
- J. Noel Nilpotence in the symplectic bordism ring. arxiv 1410.3847 math.AT To appear Cont. Mathematics.
- S. Friedl, M. Nagel, M. Powell. A specious unlinking strategy. arXiv:1410.2052 math.GT; 10/2014
- M. Borodzik, S. Friedl, M. Powell. Blanchfield forms and Gordian distance arXiv:1409.8421 math.GT; 09/2014
- N. Naumann, J. Sprang. p-adic interpolation and multiplicative orientations of KO and tmf. arXiv:1409.5314 math.AT; 09/2014
- P. Jell. A Poincaré lemma for real valued differential forms on Berkovich spaces. arXiv:1409:0676 math.AG; 09/2014 Publication at Mathematische Zeitschrift DOI: 10.1007/s00209-015-1583-8 11/15
- R. Scheider. The de Rham realization of the elliptic polylogarithm in families. arXiv:1408.3819 math.AG; 08/2014
- G. Tamme. On an analytic version of Lazard's isomorphism. arXiv:1408.4301 math.NT; 08/2014
- W. Gubler, K. Künnemann. A tropical approach to non-archimedean Arakelov theory. arXiv:1406.7637 math.AG; 06/2014
- G. Kings, D. Loeffler, S. Zerbes. Rankin-Selberg Eulersystems and p-adic interpolation. arxiv:1405.3079 math.NT; 05/2014
- A. Mathew, N. Naumann, J. Noel On a nilpotence conjecture of J.P. May. arxiv:1403.2023 math.AT; Journal of Topology, 12/2015.
- W. Gubler, J. Rabinoff, A. Werner Skeletons and tropicalizations. arXiv:1404.7044 math.AG; 04/2014
- C. Löh. Finite functorial semi-norms and representability. arXiv:1404.6557 math.AT; 04/2014