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Speaker: Prof. Dr. Guido Kings
Cospeaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bunke
Coordinator: Birgit Tiefenbach
- office M 301
- email sfb-higher-invariants@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- phone +49 (0)941-943-5871
- fax +49 (0)941-943-5870
Coordinator of the Research Training Group: Dr. Katrin Henkel
- office M 302
- email katrin.henkel@ur.de
- phone +49 (0)941-943-5816
Windows, Mac, printer support, computer and devices set up: Richard Mairinger
- office M 302
- office hours: Mo-Wed 9-12
- email richard.mairinger@stud.uni-regensburg.de
Windows, website support: Vanessa Brandwirth
- office M 302
- office hours: Mo-Wed 9-12
- email vanessa.brandwirth@stud.uni-regensburg.de
Principal Investigators
- B. Ammann (Topological Aspects of Curvature Integrals, Index Theory on Submanifold Complements)
- U. Bunke (Coarse Homotopy Theory, Index Theory on Submanifold Complements)
- D.C. Cisinski (Coarse Homotopy Theory, Higher Nearby Cycles Functors and Grothendieck Duality, Higher Categories of Correspondences, Motivic Homotopy and Intersection Theory)
- S. Friedl (Simplical Volume and Bounded Cohomology)
- W. Gubler (Tropical Approaches to Arakelov Theory, Non Archimedean Pluri-Potential Theory)
- M. Hoyois (Higher Nearby Cycles Functors and Grothendieck Duality, Higher Categories of Correspondences, Motivic Homotopy and Intersection Theory)
- M. Kerz (Cycle Classes in p-Adic Cohomology, Motivic Homotopy and Intersection Theory)
- G. Kings (K-Theory, Polylogarithms, and Regulators)
- K. Künnemann (Tropical Approaches to Arakelov Theory, Non-Archimedean Pluri-Potential Theory)
- C. Löh (Topological Aspects of Curvature Integrals, Simplicial Volume and Bounded Cohomology)
- M. Ludewig (Higher Structures in Functorial Field Theory, Index Theory on Submanifold Complements)
- N. Naumann (Spectral Algebraic Geometry)
- C. Scheimbauer (Higher Categories of Correspondences, Higher Structures in Functorial Field Theory)
- J. Sprang (K-Theory, Polylogarithms, and Regulators)
Humboldt Fellow
- Michael Brandenbursky, PhD (Ben-Gurion University, Israel, Humboldt Fellow 2020/2023).
- Prof. Thomas M. Fiore, PhD (University of Michigan-Dearborn, Humboldt Fellow 2015/2016).
- Roberto Gualdi, PhD (Universität Regensburg, Humboldt Fellow 2020/2022).
- Prof. Dr. Shuji Saito (University of Tokyo, Humboldt Fellow 2017/2018).
- Assistant Professor Dr. Enlin Yang (Peking University, Humboldt Fellow 2016/2017).
Mercator Fellow
- Prof. Dr. Shuji Saito (University of Tokyo, Mercator Fellow 2014/2015).
- Prof. Dr. José Ignacio Burgos Gil (ICMAT Madrid, Mercator Fellow 2018/2019).
- G. Biedermann, Office M 304, Georg.Biedermann@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- T. Bouis, Office M 223, Tess.Bouis@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- J. Hekking, Office M 006, jeroen.hekking@ur.de
- K. Li, Office M 309, kevin.li@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- L. Pille-Schneider, Office M 303, Leonard.Pille-Schneider@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- L. Pol, Office M 305, luca.pol@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- A. Sedillot, Office M019D, Antoine.Sedillot@ur.de
- V. Sosnilo, Office M 309, vladimir.sosnilo@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- W. B. Stewart, Technische Universität München, Office MI 02.12.40, will.stewart@tum.de
- S. Yadav, Office M 303, suraj.yadav@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- Y. Qin, Office M 305, Yanshuai.Qin@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
PhD Students
- Z. Du, Office M 313, zhenghang.du@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- B. Dünzinger, Office M 308, benjamin.duenzinger@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Fronhöfer, Office M005a, christoph.fronhoefer@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- G. Gamarra-Segovia, Universität Duisburg-Essen, guillermo.gamarra-segovia@stud.uni-due.de
- D. Ghanshani, Office M 304, divya.ghanshani@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- J. Glöckle, Office M 310, jonathan.gloeckle@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- J. Gloßner, Office M 313, Johannes.Glossner@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- F. Hofmann, Office M 205, Franziska2.Hofmann@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- S. Lockman, Office M 122, Samuel.Lockman@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- A. Svraka, Technische Universität München, Office MI 02.12.036, svr@ma.tum.de
- N. Kipp, Office M 308, niklas.kipp@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Lin, Office M 207, chenying.lin@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- A. Panontin, Office M 310, andrea.panontin@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Sabadin, Office M 306, chiara.sabadin@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- R. Schmidpeter, Office M 122, raphael.schmidpeter@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- J. Seipel, Office M 307, julian.seipel@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- M. Uschold, Office M 205, matthias.Uschold@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- S. Wolf, Office M 307, sebastian1.wolf@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Associated Members
- D. Biswas, Office M 019D, Debam.Biswas@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- B. Cnossen, Office M 223, bastiaan.cnossen@ur.de
- J. de Mello Bezerra, Office M 235, julio.de-mello-bezerra@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Echter, Office M 002a, Carolyn.Echter@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- L. Krinner, Office M 230, lukas.krinner@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- H. Kufner, Office M 234, han-ung.kufner@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- S. Linskens, Office M 206, Sil.Linskens@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Otte, Office M 207, Clara.Otte@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- G. Peralta, Office M 211, gari.peralta@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- M. Pilca, Office M 124, Mihaela.Pilca@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- L. Prader, Office M 235, Lukas.Prader@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- R. Schießl, Office M 003, roman.schiessl@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- W. Stern, Technische Universität München, Office MI 02.12.038, walker.stern@tum.de
- F. Strunk, Office M 219, Florian.Strunk@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- J. van Dyke, Technische Universität München, Office MI 02.12.40 jackson.van-dyke@tum.de
- T. Walde, Office M 005A, tashi.walde@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- M. Wasmeier, Office M 003, malena.wasmeier@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- C. Winges, Office M 115, christoph.winges@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- F. Yamauti, Office M 002A, Fernando.Yamauti@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- Y. Yang, Technische Universität München, Office MI 02.12.036, yangkidon.yang@tum.de
- Y. Zhou, Office M 001A Yuenian.Zhou@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
- P. Ziegler, Office M005 Paul.Ziegler@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Previous Members
- Bastian Altmann
- Federico Bambozzi
- Marta Barigozzi
- Florin Belgun
- Giacomo Bertizzolo
- Federico Binda
- Matthias Blank
- Carsten Bohlen
- Ana Botero
- Yulin Cai
- Luigi Caputi
- Guadalupe Castillo-Solano
- Garett Cunningham
- Christian Dahlhausen
- Sandra Eisenreich
- Alexander Engel
- V. Ertl-Bleimhofer
- Yanbo Fang
- Daniel Fauser
- Thomas Fenzl
- Kevin François
- Souvik Goswami
- Roberto Gualdi
- Rahul Gupta
- Antti Harju
- Drew Heard
- Guillermo Henry
- Gerrit Herrmann
- Julius Hertel
- Sergei Iakovenko
- Philipp Jell
- Fangzhou Jin
- Eilind Karlsson
- Yukako Kezuka
- Klaus Kröncke
- Abhijit Laskar
- John-Alexander Lind
- Morten Lüders
- Farid Madani
- Snigdhayan Mahanta
- Michal Marcinkowski
- Florent Martin
- César Martinez
- Enrica Mazzon
- Johanna Meumertzheim
- Lyne Moser
- Yassin Mousa
- Marco Moraschini
- Nikita Müller
- Lars Munser
- Matthias Nagel
- Denis Nardin
- Kim Nguyen
- Jana Nickel
- Justin Noel
- Nobuhiko Otoba
- Dmitri Pavlov
- Massimo Pippi
- Matan Prasma
- Miriam Prechtel
- Benedikt Preis
- Jose Pedro Quintanilha
- Oriol Raventós-Morera
- Charanya Ravi
- George Raptis
- Eugenia Rosu
- Martin Ruderer
- Danny Scarponi
- Daniel Schäppi
- Franziska Schneider
- Christoph Schrade
- Xu Shen
- Jascha Smacka
- Johannes Sprang
- Stefan Stadlöder
- Nathaniel Stapleton
- Martino Stoffel
- Peng Sun
- Werner Thumann
- Enrico Toffoli
- Minh-Hoang Tran
- Christian Vilsmeier
- Michael Völkl
- Alexander Voitovitch
- Marco Volpe
- Shanwen Wang
- Veronika Wanner
- Andreas Weber
- Jakob Werner
- Johannes Witzig
- Koenraad van Woerden
- Marco Volpe
- Yitao Wu
- Johannes Wurm
- Franziska Wutz
- Quan Xu
- Maria Yakerson
- Enlin Yang
- Yuri Yatagawa
- Masoud Zargar
- Raphael Zentner
- Yigeng Zhao