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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Higher Invariants Oberseminar (HIOB 7)

The goal of this semester is to study aspect of Deninger's approach towards arithmetic zeta functions.

Dates and location

Mondays, 12-14, SFB Seminar Room.


If you are interested in giving a talk in this seminar, please select a topic and enter your name in the schedule below and send an e-mail to Georg Tamme or Johannes Sprang.

  Date Title Speaker
9. April Introduction and Overview Johannes Sprang
16. April Regularized determinants I Han-Ung Kufner
23. April Regularized determinants II Han-Ung Kufner
30. April The Selberg zeta function I U. Bunke
7. May The Selberg zeta function II U. Bunke
14. May The Selberg zeta function III U. Bunke
28. May Riemann-Hilbert correspondence I M. Lüders
4. June Non-Archimedean local L-factors Yigeng Zhao
??. June Logarithmic connections and filtered vector spaces
??. June Archimedean local L-factors Ch. Schrade
??. June/July The Riemann hypothesis
?? July Foliated space for an elliptic curve Yukako Kezuka
?? July The zeta function via L2-cohomology

Previous instances of HIOB

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