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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Higher Invariants Oberseminar (HIOB)

The topic of the summer term 2015 is cdh-descent for homotopy algebraic K-theory.

Dates and location

Tuesdays from 4pm (s.t.) to 6pm in BIO 1.1.34.


A program may be found here.


Everybody who is interested in giving a talk in this seminar should select a topic and enter her/his name in the schedule below:

  Date Title Speaker
1. 14.04. Introduction and overview Georg Tamme
2. 21.04 K-theory basics I Johann Haas
3. 28.04 S1- and T-spectra Kim Nguyen
3.1 05.05 S1- and T-spectra (ctd) Ulrich Bunke
4. 12.05 K-theory basics II Christian Dahlhausen
5. 19.05 Nisnevich descent for K-theory I Morten Lüders
6. 02.06 Nisnevich descent for K-theory II Georgios Raptis
7. 09.06 The group completion of BGL Peter Arndt
8. 16.06 KGL represents KH Snigdhayan Mahanta
   23.06 No talk
9. 30.06 Localization Ulrich Bunke
10. 07.07 Base change theorems Florian Strunk
11. 14.07 Application to KH
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