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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Line 86: Line 86:
|[[Higher enhancements of mixed Hodge modules]]
|Swann Tubach (ENS Lyon)
|Swann Tubach (ENS Lyon)
|[[Limits of (∞, 1)-categories with Structure & Their Lax Morphisms]]
|Joanna Ko (Masaryk University)
|Joanna Ko (Masaryk University)

Latest revision as of 00:24, 5 February 2025

AG Seminar

Description: The aim of the Seminar is to present and discuss recent results in research areas from Homotopy Theory and K-theory to Global Analysis.

Time and place: Thursday 12-14, SFB Lecture Hall.

Zoom Link:

Wintersemester 24/25


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 17.10.2024 (∞,2)-Topoi and descent Fernando Abellan Garcia (NTNU)
2 24.10.2024
3 31.10.2024 The geometric diagonal of the special linear algebraic cobordism Egor Zolotarev (LMU)
4 07.11.2024 Purity for Algebraic Stacks Alessandro D'Angelo (KTH)
5 14.11.2024
6 21.11.2024 Equivariant aspects of Hochschild homology Zhouhang Mao (Univ. Amsterdam)
7 28.11.2024 Proof of the Deligne-Milnor conjecture Massimo Pippi (Univ. Angers)
8 05.12.2024 Classification of n-connective (2n-2)-truncated spaces Daniel Exposito (Univ. Copenhagen)
9 12.12.2024 K-theory for analytic spaces Devarshi Mukherjee
10 19.12.2024
11 09.01.2025 Grothendieck-Witt theory of derived schemes Marc Hoyois
12 16.01.2025
13 23.01.2025 Model-Independent Lax Functors Johannes Gloßner
14 30.01.2025 Higher enhancements of mixed Hodge modules Swann Tubach (ENS Lyon)
15 06.02.2025 Limits of (∞, 1)-categories with Structure & Their Lax Morphisms Joanna Ko (Masaryk University)

SOMMER Semester 2024


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 18.4.2024
2 25.04.2024 A Functorial Rectification of Finitely Cocomplete ∞-Categories Benni Ngo
3 02.05.2024 Perverse sheaves and weak Lefschetz theorems Denis-Charles Cisinski
4 09.05.2024 No Seminar (Christi Himmelfahrt)
5 16.05.2024 this week, the whole seminar moves to Greifswald
6 23.05.2024 Grothendieck construction and representation theorem for lax double presheaves Benedikt Fröhlich
7 30.05.2024 No seminar (Corpus Christi)
8 06.06.2024 Étale motives of geometric origin Raphaël Ruimy (Milan)
9 13.06.2024 A general Greenlees-Mays splitting principle Ivo Dell'Ambrogio (Lille)
10 20.06.2024 Categorical Künneth formulas Timo Richarz (TU Darmstadt)
11 27.06.2024 Conference
12 04.07.2024 The tempered dual of reductive symmetric spaces, C*-algebras, and K-theory Shintaro Nishikawa (Southampton)
13 11.07.2024 N.N Pelle Steffens (Munich)
14 18.07.2024 Animated λ-rings and Frobenius lifts Edith Hübner (Münster)

Winter Semester 2023/24


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 19.10.2023 On the motivic Adams conjecture Alexey Ananyevskiy
2 26.10.2023 Dualizable categories and E-Theory Benjamin Dünzinger/Ulrich Bunke
3 02.11.2023 Dualizable categories and E-Theory-II Benjamin Dünzinger/Ulrich Bunke
4 09.11.2023 A pro-cdh topology and motivic cohomology of schemes Shuji Saito
5 16.11.2023 Cohomological invariants of quadrics via Morava motives Pavel Sechin
6 23.11.2023 Formal category theory within ∞-categorical proarrow equipments Jaco Ruit
7 30.11.2023
8 07.12.2023 Motivic cohomology of mixed characteristic schemes Tess Bouis
9 14.12.2023 Six-functor formalisms are compactly supported Josefien Kuijper
10 21.12.2023 Towards a pro-étale homotopy type of schemes Sebastian wolf
11 11.01.2024
12 18.01.2024 Gabber's presentation lemma over a general base Suraj Yadav
13 25.01.2024 Chow-Lefschetz motives Bruno Kahn
14 01.02.2024 Topological Modular Forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories Mayuko Yamashita
15 08.02.2024 Group completion of E_n-spaces and infinite products Georg Lehner (FU Berlin)

Summer Semester 2023


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 20.04.2023
2 27.04.2023 12:30 Universality and Examples in the Context of Functorial Semi-Norms (PhD defense) Johannes Witzig
3 04.05.2023 No seminar
4 11.05.2023 tba Hoang Kim Nguyen
5 18.05.2023 No seminar (holiday)
6 25.05.2023 Separability in homotopical algebra Maxime Ramzi (Copenhagen)
7 01.06.2023 Blow-ups and normal bundles in nonconnective derived geometry Jeroen Hekking
8 08.06.2023 No seminar (holiday)
9 15.06.2023 The theorem of the heart Giacomo Bertizzolo
10 22.06.2023 Shapes and locally constant sheaves Marc Hoyois
11 29.06.2023 Norms and Transfers in Motivic Homotopy Theory Brian Shin
12 06.07.2023 On the category of localizing motives Alexander Efimov
13 13.07.2023 Twisted ambidexterity in equivariant homotopy theory Bastiaan Cnossen
14 20.07.2023 (reserved)

Winter Semester 22/23


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 20.10.2022 Model categories for o-minimal geometry Reid Barton (Univ. Freiburg)
2 27.10.2022
3 03.11.2022 [online] The reductive Borel-Serre compactification as a model for unstable algebraic K-theory Mikala Ørsnes Jansen (Copenhagen)
4 10.11.2022 Traces and categorification Bastiaan Cnossen (Bonn)
5 17.11.2022 no seminar
6 24.11.2022 Cut and paste invariants of manifolds via K-theory Julia Semikina (Münster)
7 01.12.2022 Discussion on Duality and Transfer I: Becker-Gottlieb transfer, Atiyah-Duality and A-theory transfer Bunke/Winges/Raptis
8 08.12.2022 Discussion on Duality and Transfer II: Fibrewise duality and transfer, functoriality N.N
9 15.12.2022 Unipotent homotopy theory of schemes Shubhodip Mondal (MPIM Bonn)
10 22.12.2023 The stable cohomology of symplectic groups of the integers Fabian Hebestreit (Aberdeen)
11 12.01.2023 The logic of étale maps Mathieu Anel (Carnegie Mellon University)
12 19.01.2023 Decoupling Moduli of Configurations Spaces on Surfaces Luciana Basualdo Bonatto (MPIM Bonn)
13 26.01.2023 The K_2-analogue of Bass-Quillen conjecture and A1-fundamental groups of Chevalley groups. Sergey Sinchuk (Munich, JetBrains GmbH)
14 02.02.2023 Genuine equivariant hermitian K-theory for finite groups Kaif Hilman (MPIM Bonn)
15 09.02.2023 Proper morphisms of infinity topoi Louis Martini (NTNU Trondheim)

Summer Semester 2022


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 28.04.2022 Devissage in algebraic K-theory (0) George Raptis
2 05.05.2022 Devissage in algebraic K-theory (1) Marco Volpe
3 12.05.2022
4 19.05.2022 [online] Universal cohomology theories Luca Barbieri Viale (Milan)
5 26.05.2022 Christi-Himmelfahrt -
6 02.06.2022 Cdh motivic cohomology via prisms E. Elmanto (Harvard)
7 09.06.2022 [online] Exponential periods and o-minimality Johan Commelin (Freiburg)
8 16.06.2022 Fronleichnam -
9 23.06.2022 Excisive Approximation of l^1-Homology J. Witzig (Regensburg)
10 30.06.2022
11 07.07.2022 Posets for which Verdier duality holds Ko Aoki (MPIM Bonn)
12 14.07.2022 Synthetic (∞,1)-category theory in simplicial homotopy type theory Jonathan Weinberger (Johns Hopkins University)
13 21.07.2022 Artin motivic tensor-triangular geometry Martin Gallauer (MPIM Bonn)
14 28.07.2022 X. Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting (Augsburg)

Winter Semester 2021/22


No Date Title / Abstract Speaker
1 21.10.2021 Derived microlocal sheaf theory Adeel Khan (Academia Sinica)
2 28.10.2021
3 4.11.2021 Bounded cohomology and homotopy colimits George Raptis
4 11.11.2021 Filter Quotient ∞-Categories Nima Rasekh (EPFL)
5 18.11.2021 ***** SFB Meeting in Windberg
6 25.11.2021 Quadratic enrichments of enumerative counts using Atiyah-Bott localization Sabrina Pauli (Duisburg-Essen)
7 2.12.2021 The Chow t-structure on the ∞-category of motivic spectra Tom Bachmann (LMU)
8 9.12.2021 G-global homotopy theory and algebraic K-theory Tobias Lenz (Bonn)
9 16.12.2021 ***** 9th Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting
10 13.1.2022 cancelled
11 20.1.2022 Topological Fukaya categories of symmetric powers Tobias Dyckerhoff (Hamburg)
12 27.1.2022 Unstraightening for Segal spaces Joost Nuiten (Toulouse)
13 3.2.2022 Polynomial monads, Grothendieck homotopy theory and delooping of spaces of long knots Michael Batanin (Prague)
14 10.2.2022 Homotopy links and stratified homotopy theories Sylvain Douteau (Stockholm)
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