University of Regensburg
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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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In this talk, I explain my works and perspectives on the Segal-Stolz-Teichner program, which is one of the most deep and important topic relating homotopy theory and physics. Mathematically, they propose a geometric model of TMF, the spectrum of Topological Modular Forms, in terms of supersymmetric quantum field theories. My recent works have been motivated by their proposal. I explain my collaborations with Yuji Tachikawa relating the Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms (in homotopy theory) and absence of anomaly in heterotic string theory (in physics), and my recent collaboration with Theo Johnson-Freyd on understanding the geometric origin of the 576-periodicity of TMF. I would like to illustrate the exciting interplay between mathematics and physics.

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