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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Recent Advances in Bounded Cohomology

Aims and Scope

A workshop on bounded cohomology and related topics will be held at the University of Regensburg, during September 26-30, 2022.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in bounded cohomology theory and related fields and discuss recent developments. In addition to the invited talks, there will be opportunities for researchers to give contributed talks and ample time for discussions and collaboration.

The workshop will be held in a hybrid format.


Download the poster: pdf

List of Speakers

Invited Speakers

  • Jonathan Bowden (University of Regensburg):    Quasi-morphisms on Surface Diffeomorphism Groups
  • Michelle Bucher (University of Geneva):    Invariant cocycles on the Furstenberg boundary
  • Caterina Campagnolo (Autonomous University of Madrid):    An l^1-norm inequality for complete manifolds
  • Roberto Frigerio (University of Pisa):    Efficient cycles for cusped hyperbolic manifolds
  • Sanjeevi Krishnan (The Ohio State University):    Uniform homotopy theory   (online)
  • Michał Marcinkowski (University of Wrocław):    The L^1-metric on Diff_0(M; area), braids and quasimorphisms
  • Nicolas Monod (EPFL):    Asymptotic cohomology and Ulam stability   (online)
  • Sam Nariman (Purdue University):    Bounded and unbounded cohomology of diffeomorphism groups   (online)
  • Roman Sauer (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology):    Low-degree cohomology, higher property (T) phenomena and stability of arithmetic groups

Contributed Talks

  • Giuseppe Bargagnati (University of Pisa):    The simplicial volume of contractible 3-manifolds
  • Federica Bertolotti (SNS Pisa):    Filling volumes of homotopy equivalences
  • Thorben Kastenholz (University of Göttingen):    From classical homological stability to stability for bounded cohomology
  • Kevin Li (University of Southampton):    Amenable covers and vanishing theorems
  • Domenico Marasco (University of Pisa):    Bounded cohomology via differential forms and cup product
  • Francesco Milizia (SNS Pisa):    Weakly bounded, but unbounded, 2-classes in finitely presented groups
  • Matthias Uschold (University of Regensburg):    Implementing Amenable Groups in Lean


Click here for the Schedule

Click here for the Abstracts

Financial Support

Financial support for the conference has been provided by the SFB 1085: Higher Invariants.

Limited funding is available for financial support to participants. Please indicate in your registration if you are applying for financial support. The deadline for applying for financial support passed.


Please fill out the Registration Form.

Please indicate in your registration whether you like to give a contributed short talk and whether you are applying for financial support. The deadline for contributed talks and for applying for financial support is June 19, 2022.

Practical Information

  • City of Regensburg: Regensburg is a Unesco World Heritage site that is famous for its well preserved medieval city center and its beautiful Gothic cathedral. Further information can be found here.
  • ACCOMMODATION: Regensburg is a tourist destination and we encourage guests to book their rooms as early as possible.

We prebooked a certain amount of single rooms in the following hotels for reduced prices:

1. Hotel Muenchner Hof, Keyword: "SFB1085 Higher Invariants" (In the city center, must take a bus to the University.)

2. Hotel Arch, Keyword: "Higher Invariants" (In the city center, must take a bus to the University.)

3. Hotel Apollo (Near the University, but limited eating options.)

Other hotels in the area:

1. Hotel Kaiserhof am Dom (In the city center, must take a bus to the University.)

2. Hotel Jakob (In the center, must take a bus to the University.)

3. Hotel Central (In the city center, must take a bus to the University.)

  • TRAVEL: One can reach the University by following the instructions here.
  • INTERNET: Access to eduroam is available throughout the Mathematics Building. For those without eduroam access we will obtain a temporary guest account through the university.


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