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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Organizers: Nicolas Bergeron (École normale supérieure), Guido Kings (Universität Regensburg)

Administration: Julio de Mello, Lukas Prader (Universität Regensburg)

The workshop took place on July 5-7 via Zoom.


All times are CEST. Each talk was 60 minutes.

Monday - 5th of July

09:00 am - Sharifi (UCLA) [Eisenstein cocycles in motivic cohomology]

10:30 am - Bannai (Keio) [On the equivariant polylogarithm for the algebraic torus associated to totally real fields]

02:00 pm - Spiess (Bielefeld) [PGL_2(F_p)-equivariant Cohomology and L-invariants attached to Hilbert modular forms]

04:00 pm - Gunnells (UMass) [Modular symbols over function fields]

Tuesday - 6th of July

09:00 am - Burrin (ETH Zürich) [Rademacher symbols for Fuchsian groups]

10:30 am - Bekki (Keio) [Shintani-Barnes cocycles and values of the zeta functions of algebraic number fields]

02:00 pm - Garcia (UCL) [Eisenstein classes and hyperplane complements]

04:00 pm - Silliman (Duke) [Defective Eisenstein series, Borel Regulators, and Shintani Logarithms]

Wednesday - 7th of July

09:00 am - Kakde (IISc) [On the tower of fields conjecture of Gross]

10:30 am - Sprang (Regensburg/Duisburg-Essen) [The Equivariant Polylogarithm and Eisenstein classes]

02:00 pm - Pozzi (Imperial College London) [The values of the Dedekind-Rademacher cocycle at real multiplication points]

04:00 pm - Dasgupta (Duke) [The Eisenstein Cocycle and Horizontal Iwasawa Theory]


Recordings of (almost) all talks may be found here.


In case that you have any questions, please feel free to send an e-mail with subject line "Eisenstein 2021" to

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