University of Regensburg
Faculty of Mathematics

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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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The Collaborative Research Centre advertises:

  • Postdoc and
  • PhD positions

We welcome applications!

Postdoc Positions

The positions come without teaching obligation and at a decent salary (E13). We are seeking to hire candidates from early to experienced postdoc level. The start and length of the positions are flexible. German language skills are not required.

PhD Positions

The positions come without teaching obligation and at a decent salary (3/4 E13). We are seeking to hire promising students that recently finished their Master degree. The start and length of the positions are flexible. German language skills are not required.

Apply Now!

To apply, submit a CV, a research statement and a list of publications to Please indicate which of the projects you would be interested in working on and/or which of the PIs you would be interested in working with. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to send a message to the above e-mail address or to one of the principal investigators directly.

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