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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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The SFB 1085 Higher Invariants at the Faculty of Mathematics at the Universität Regensburg is funded by the DFG. \n The SFB offers an extensive and flexible guest programme Apply Now!



Invariants play a dominant role in all of mathematics: Invariants should be fine enough to extract the right information, but coarse enough to be computable in specific cases. Higher invariants are a structural and hierarchical refinement of certain classical invariants. The long term goal of this Collaborative Research Centre is to formulate the principles of construction and computation of higher invariants in a systematic way.

  • Higher Chern classes
  • Volumes, L-functions, and polylogarithms
  • Metric structures on cohomology, vector bundles, and cycles
  • Higher categories and enriched structures

Projects and principal investigators


The CRC provides an internal research training group for PhD students and postdocs. Additionally, the CRC supports gender equality and family friendly measures for its members.

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