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Dates and Location
The workshop takes place at the University of Regensburg from July 19th to 22nd 2016.
The workshop 3-manifolds and Floer theories is organized by Stefan Friedl and Raphael Zentner.
The workshop will focus on topics in 3-manifolds and knot theory in relation with various types of Floer homology theories.
If you are interested in participation in the workshop please fill out the registration form.
The deadline for application for financial support is April 30th.
Talks will be in H 51 (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and H 40 (Wednesday). Coffee breaks will be held nearby (BIO 1.1.38, biology wing BIO 1, 1st floor). Campus map
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
09:30 - 10:00
Registration 10:00 - 11:00 Joshua Greene |
09:30 - 10:30
Paolo Lisca |
09:30 - 10:30
Andras Juhasz |
09:30 - 10:30
Christine Lescop |
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee/Tea |
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee/Tea | ||
11:30 - 12:30
Kim Froyshov |
11:00 - 12:00
Guillem Cazassus |
11:00 - 12:00
Francesco Lin |
11:00 - 12:00
Gilberto Spano |
12:30 - 14:30
12:00 - 13:15
12:00 - 14:00
12:00 - 13:30
14:30 - 15:30
Aliakbar Daemi |
13:30 - 19:30
Hiking tour to Kloster Weltenburg, visit of the Biergarten, and boat tour back through the Danube gorge |
14:00 - 15:00
Paolo Ghiggini |
13:30 - 14:15
Matthew Stoffregen |
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee/Tea |
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee/Tea |
14:15 - 14:45
Coffee/Tea | |
16:00 - 16:45
Sherry Gong |
15:30 - 16:30
Daniel Ruberman |
14:45 - 15:30
Ian Zemke | |
16:45 - 17:00
Break |
16:30 - 16:45
Break |
17:00 - 18:00
Andrew Lobb |
16:45 - 17:45
Saso Strle | ||
19:30 -
Conference Dinner in "Roter Hahn" |
Titles and Abstracts
- Guillem Cazassus (University of Toulouse)
- Aliakbar Daemi (Simons Center, Stony Brook)
- Kim Frøyshov (University of Oslo)
- Paolo Ghiggini (University of Nantes)
- Sherry Gong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Joshua Greene (Boston College)
- Andras Juhasz (University of Oxford)
- Christine Lescop (University Joseph Fourier Grenoble)
- Francesco Lin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Paolo Lisca (University of Pisa)
- Andrew Lobb (Durham University)
- Daniel Ruberman (Brandeis University)
- Gilberto Spano (Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
- Matthew Stoffregen (University of California Los Angeles)
- Saso Strle (University of Liubliana)
- Ian Zemke (University of California Los Angeles)
Registered participants (as of July 6th, 2016)
- Alfieri, Antonio (Central European University, Budapest)
- Behrens, Stefan (Utrecht University)
- Brown, Thomas (University of Cambridge)
- Collari, Carlo (Florenz)
- Collin, Olivier (UQAM)
- Dai, Irving (Princeton University)
- Feller, Peter (Boston College)
- Golla, Marco (Uppsala University)
- Habibi Esfahani, Saman (Sharif University of Technology)
- Haug, Luis (MIT)
- Herrmann, Gerrit (Regensburg)
- Hockenhull, Thomas (Imperial College London)
- Jeong, Gahye (California Institute of Technology)
- Kim, Min Hoon (KIAS)
- Klaasse, Ralph (Utrecht University)
- Kotelskiy, Artem (Princeton)
- Leigon, Ryan (Louisiana)
- Lee, Yi-Jen (CUHK)
- Marengon, Marco (Imperial College London)
- Masbaum, Gregor (Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu, CNRS)
- Meumertzheim, Johanna (Regensburg)
- Mihajlović, Stefan (University of Belgrade)
- Nagel, Matthias (UQAM)
- Orson, Patrick (Durham)
- Pasini, Federico (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Salmoiraghi, Federico (Louisiana State University)
- Scaduto, Christopher (Brandeis)
- Swiecicki, Krzysztof (Texas A&M)
- Toffoli, Enrico (Regensburg)
- Wong, Biji (Brandeis University)
- Yhee, Farrah (University of Michigan Ann Arbor)
- Yun, Ki-Heon (Sungshin Women's University/visiting Renyi institute of Mathematics)
- Zibrowius, Claudius (University of Cambridge)
- Zivanovic, Filip (University of Belgrade)
Financial Support
A limited amount of financial support for accomodation is available for PhD students and recent PhD's. Please apply by April 30th, see above. If you apply for funding please indicate your research area briefly.
To get here
If you arrive at Munich airport, you take the shuttle bus to Freising. The terminus of the bus is the Freising train station. From there you have frequent direct train services to Regensburg via ALX or RE trains. On Monday the departure times at Freising are at 8:08, 9:09, 10:08, 11:09, 12:08, 13:09, 14:08, 15:09, 16:08, 16:29, 17:08, 17:28, 18:08, 19:09, 20:08, 21:09, 22:08, 23:09 and 00:28.
If you wish to contact the organizers, please send an email to sfb-higher-invariants@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de.