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Workshop: Special Metrics and Symmetries on Complex Manifolds
Dates and Location
- The workshop will take place on September 11-14, 2018 at the University of Regensburg in the seminar room M 104.
- Please note that in the week after this workshop, the Conference: Analytical problems in conformal geometry and applications takes place at the same location.
Aims and Scope
The aim of this workshop is to introduce recent advances in differential geometry, in particular about special geometric structures on complex manifolds, to encourage young researchers to present their work and to provide a stimulating environment for discussions as a basis for further possible collaborations. The activity will consist of invited lectures.
Invited Speakers
- Ilka Agricola (Marburg)
- Daniele Angella (Florence)
- Giovanni Bazzoni (Madrid)
- Liana David (Bucharest)
- Viviana del Barco (Paris)
- Nicolina Istrati (Paris)
- Ines Kath (Greifswald)
- Marie-Amelie Lawn (London)
- Eveline Legendre (Toulouse)
- Andrei Moroianu (Paris)
- Liviu Ornea (Bucharest)
- Massimiliano Pontecorvo (Rome)
- Miron Stanciu (Bucharest)
- Andrew Swann (Aarhus)
- Nicoletta Tardini (Florence)
- Michela Zedda (Parma)
The schedule of the workhop can be found here
The registration will take place on Tuesday from 9:00 to 9:30 am in the seminar room M 102 and the first talk will start afterwards at 9:30 am in M 104.
The workshop will end on Friday at 12:30 pm.
An excursion is planed for Thursday afternoon starting at 2 pm and ending with the social dinner at 7:30 pm.
Slides of Several Talks
Here you can access the slides of the followings talks:
- Ilka Agricola: Generalizations of 3-Sasakian manifolds and skew torsion
- Giovanni Bazzoni: Complex symplectic structures
- Marie-Amelie Lawn: Submanifolds and spinors
- Miron Stanciu: Locally conformally symplectic reduction
- Andrew Swann: Multi-Moment Maps for Special Ricci-flat Metrics
Conference Images
The list of participants can be found here
You are invited to register here. The deadline for registration is August 15, 2018.
If you ask for financial support, please register until May 31, 2018. The decision about the financial support will be taken shortly afterwards and all applicants will be informed about it until June 15, 2018.
Practical Information
- City of Regensburg: Regensburg is a Unesco World Heritage site that is famous for its well preserved medieval city center and its beautiful Gothic cathedral. Further information can be found here.
ACCOMMODATION: A block of hotel rooms is reserverd at the Hotel IBIS for the participants of the workshop. Participants will need to book and pay for their own accommodation (promotion booking number 58.955 until 10th of August 2018). All pre-PhD participants requesting financial support should request a shared room.
Regensburg is a tourist destination, so we encourage guests to book their rooms as early as possible.
TRAVEL: One can reach the university by following the instructions here.
If you wish to contact the organizers, please send an email to sfb-higher-invariants@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de. From July 27 to September 2, 2018 please contact mihaela.pilca@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de