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Workshop: Riemannian and Simplicial Volume
Dates and Location
- This workshop will take place during April 8--11, 2019 (Monday--Thursday) at the KIT (Karlsruhe)
- This workshop is co-hosted with the RTG 2229 Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces(Karlsruhe)
Aims and Scope
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and students interested in the interaction between Riemannian and simplicial volume and related invariants.
Confirmed Speakers
- Hannah Alpert
- Grigori Avramidi
- Florent Balacheff
- Chris Connell
- James Farre
- Daniel Fauser
- Roberto Frigerio
- Tobias Hartnick
- Alessandra Iozzi
- Jean-François Lafont
- Fedor Manin
- Marco Moraschini
- Christoforos Neofytidis
- Beatrice Pozzetti
- Shi Wang
- Caterina Campagnolo (RTG 2229)
- Clara Löh (SFB 1085)
- Roman Sauer (RTG 2229)
Financial Support
This workshop is jointly funded by the RTG 2229 Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces(Karlsruhe) and the SFB 1085 Higher Invariants (Regensburg).
We have a limited amount of funding for travel and accommodation costs. Please specify if you want to apply for funding during the online registration.
The deadline for application for financial support is March 10, 2019.
Registration is now open. Please register via this form (before March 10). Please note that some of the allocated hotel rooms expire by February 15.
- Schedule: (pdf)
- Abstracts: (pdf)
- Location of the talks and registration: Architektur (20.40) map
- Location of the coffee breaks: Mathebau (20.30) map
- Location of the mensa: map
Practical Information
We allocated some hotel rooms for conference participants; further information on hotels can be found in the confirmation email after the registration. Please note that some of the allocated hotel rooms expire by February 15.
A random list of restaurants: map