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The workshop is going to be held online on Zoom. The purpose of the event is to provide an introduction to homotpy theory, C*-algebraic KK-theory and current reasearch involving both fields.
The workshop is going to be held online on Zoom from 7th of january to 17th of januay on weekday at 16:00 - 18:30 CET. The purpose of the event is to provide an introduction to homotpy theory, C*-algebraic KK-theory and current reasearch involving both fields.
Dates: 07.01.25 - 17.01.25 on weekdays at 16:00 - 18:30 CET.
Dates: 07.01.25 - 17.01.25 on weekdays at 16:00 - 18:30 CET.

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* <b> Pierre Albin </b>
* <b> Pierre Albin </b>
* <b> Jonathan Block </b>
* <b> Ulrich Bunke </b>  
* <b> Ulrich Bunke </b>  
* <b> Bastiaan Cnossen </b>
* <b> Bastiaan Cnossen </b>
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To be announced.
You can register via this [ Google form]

Revision as of 16:17, 15 November 2024

Interactions between C*-algebraic KK-theory and homotopy theory


The workshop is going to be held online on Zoom from 7th of january to 17th of januay on weekday at 16:00 - 18:30 CET. The purpose of the event is to provide an introduction to homotpy theory, C*-algebraic KK-theory and current reasearch involving both fields. Dates: 07.01.25 - 17.01.25 on weekdays at 16:00 - 18:30 CET.



  • Pierre Albin
  • Ulrich Bunke
  • Bastiaan Cnossen
  • Alexander Engel
  • Markus Land
  • Ralf Meyer
  • Devarshi Mukherjee
  • George Nadareishvili
  • Shintaro Nishikawa
  • Ulrich Pennig
  • Rubén Martos (to be confirmed)


To be announced.


To be announced.


You can register via this Google form


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