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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Seminar: Prismatic cohomology

The goal of this seminar is to give an introduction to prismatic cohomology, a new p-adic cohomology theory introduced by Bhatt and Scholze.

Dates and location

Tuesdays, 14-16, SFB Seminar Room. On Tuesday, October 22, we meet in U314 in the Sammelgebäude.


Here you may find the extended program.


If you are interested in giving a talk in this seminar, please contact M. Kerz or G. Tamme.

Talk   Date Title Speaker
1 15. October Introduction and overview Georg Tamme
2 22. October Crystalline cohomology Veronika Ertl, in U314
3 29. October Derived completion and non-abelian derived functors Denis Nardin
4 5. November Perfectoid rings Johannes Sprang
5 12. November delta-rings Daniel Heiß
6 19. November Prisms Ulrich Bunke
7 26. November Prismatic cohomology Charanya Ravi
8 3. December Crystalline comparison Han-Ung Kufner
9 10. December Hodge-Tate comparison Niko Naumann
10 17. December Derived prismatic cohomology Florian Strunk
11 7. January Perfection in mixed characteristic Drew Heard
12 14. January Perfections via the arc-topology Maria Yakerson
13 21. January Etale comparison Marc Hoyois
14 28. January Fontaine's crystalline conjecture Moritz Kerz
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