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Motivic sheaves

The goal of this semester is to continue our study of motives over general bases.

Dates and location

Fridays, 10-12, SFB Seminar Room.


  Date Title Speaker
1. 20.10 The motivic space of Algebraic K-theory Christian Dahlhausen
2. 27.10 Bott periodicity and unstable operations on K-theory Helene Sigloch
3. 03.11 Stable operations and the Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem Georgios Raptis
4. 10.11 Modules over the motivic K-theory spectrum Han-Ung Kufner
4. 17.11 Modules over the motivic K-theory spectrum 2 Han-Ung Kufner
6. 24.11 Beilinson motives and proper descent Matan Prasma
5. 01.12 Excision and Galois descent with rational coefficient Kevin Francios
6. 08.12 Motivic cohomology with rational coefficients Denis-Charles Cisinski
7. 15.12 The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem Fangzouh Jin
8. 22.12 The absolute purity theorem I: rational coefficients Adeel Khan
9. 12.01 The absolute purity theorem II: torsion coefficients Yigeng Zhao
10. 19.01 The absolute purity theorem III: torsion coefficients Yigeng Zhao
10. 26.01 The absolute purity theorem IV: torsion coefficients Enlin Yang
11. 02.02 Continuity
12. 09.02 Constructible motives
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