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From SFB1085 - Higher Invariants
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Higher Invariants Oberseminar (HIOB) WS2020/21

The aim of this HIOB is to present a varied collection of topics in the research areas currently investigated and studied in the SFB,
in the form of accessible, research-level, surveys.

Dates and Location: Mondays 12-14, Online via Zoom.

Zoom Details (You will need to sign in to Zoom): Meeting ID: 841 9416 6494 and Passcode: 409446


Date   Speaker Topic
1 2 November No Seminar
2 9 Nov. Denis Nardin The algebraic K-theory of algebraically closed fields
3 16 Nov. Christoph Winges Algebraic K-theory and high-dimensional manifolds
4 23 Nov. Hoang Kim Nguyen Homotopy Type Theory
5 30 Nov. Johannes Sprang Hilbert's seventh problem
6 7 December Han-Ung Kufner The Weil Conjectures
7 14 Dec. Jonathan Glöckle When is a finite CW-complex homotopy equivalent to a closed manifold
8 21 Dec. Lukas Lewark Khovanov homology: a combinatorial tool with geometric applications
9 11 January Marco Moraschini Simplicial volume and Euler characteristic
10 18 Jan. Yukako Kezuka The Congruent Number Problem
11 25 Jan. Julian Seipel Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations
12 1 February Veronika Ertl Computers and Theorems - an introduction to proof assistance and verification
13 8 Feb. Discussion for the next HIOB

HIOB SS2020 (Old/Cancelled)

Dates and Location: Mondays, 12-14, SFB Seminar Room.

HIOB SS2020 is postponed until further notice.

Talks: (cancelled -- information about the new schedule will be announced here)

Date   Speaker
1 20. April Raphael Zentner on Topics in 3-manifold topology
2 27. April Han-Ung Kufner on The Weil Conjectures
3 04. May Adeel Khan on Motivic Donaldson-Thomas theory
4 11. May Marc Hoyois on A^1-invariance in algebraic geometry
5 18. May Julian Seipel on The Fourier Transform
6 25. May Johannes Sprang on Transcendental Number Theory
7 08. June
8 15. June
9 22. June
10 29. June
11 06. July
12 13. July
13 20. July
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